Individual-specific changes in the human gut microbiota after challenge with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and subsequent ciprofloxacin treatment
Title | Individual-specific changes in the human gut microbiota after challenge with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and subsequent ciprofloxacin treatment |
Publication Type | Journal Articles |
Year of Publication | 2016 |
Authors | Pop M, Paulson JN, Chakraborty S, Astrovskaya I, Lindsay BR, Li S, Bravo éctorCorrada, Harro C, Parkhill J, Walker AW, Walker RI, Sack DA, O. Stine C |
Journal | BMC Genomics |
Volume | 17183412111831230710512122489914142853341501081566039108377115651846133171373920352123327102188151723 |
Issue | 1326124105778571763174155114260523Suppl 1611Suppl 26-7Suppl 197591Pt 11321131 Suppl241Database issue1612210375335 |
Date Published | Jan-12-2016 |
URL | |
DOI | 10.1186/s12864-016-2777-0 |
Short Title | BMC Genomics |