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Journal Articles
Nierman WC, DeShazer D, H. Kim S, Tettelin H, Nelson KE, Feldblyum T, Ulrich RL, Ronning CM, Brinkac LM, Daugherty SC et al..  2004.  Structural flexibility in the Burkholderia mallei genome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101
Molden RC, Goya J, Khan Z, Garcia BA.  2014.  Stable isotope labeling of phosphoproteins for large-scale phosphorylation rate determination.. Mol Cell Proteomics. 13(4):1106-18.
Mount SM, Burks C, Hertz G, Stormo GD, White O, Fields C.  1992.  Splicing signals in Drosophila: intron size, information content, and consensus sequences.. Nucleic Acids Res. 20(16):4255-62.
Padgett RA, Mount SM, Steitz JA, Sharp PA.  1983.  Splicing of messenger RNA precursors is inhibited by antisera to small nuclear ribonucleoprotein.. Cell. 35(1):101-7.
Dogan R.I, Getoor L, Wilbur W.J, Mount SM.  2007.  SplicePort--An interactive splice-site analysis tool. Nucleic Acids ResearchNucleic Acids Research. 35
Dogan RIslamaj, Getoor L, W Wilbur J, Mount SM.  2007.  SplicePort--an interactive splice-site analysis tool.. Nucleic Acids Res. 35(Web Server issue):W285-91.
Mount SM, Gotea V, Lin C-F, Hernandez K, Makalowski W.  2007.  Spliceosomal small nuclear RNA genes in 11 insect genomes.. RNA. 13(1):5-14.
Mount SM, Gotea V, Lin C-F, Hernandez K, Makalowski W.  2007.  Spliceosomal small nuclear RNA genes in 11 insect genomes.. RNA. 13(1):5-14.
Guo M, Lo PC, Mount SM.  1993.  Species-specific signals for the splicing of a short Drosophila intron in vitro.. Mol Cell Biol. 13(2):1104-18.
Nickerson ML, Im KM, Misner KJ, Tan W, Lou H, Gold B, Wells DW, Bravo HCorrada, Fredrikson KM, Harkins TT et al..  2013.  Somatic alterations contributing to metastasis of a castration-resistant prostate cancer. Human mutationHuman mutation. 34
Nickerson ML, Im KM, Misner KJ, Tan W, Lou H, Gold B, Wells DW, Bravo HCorrada, Fredrikson KM, Harkins TT et al..  2013.  Somatic alterations contributing to metastasis of a castration-resistant prostate cancer. Human mutationHuman mutation. 34
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Dillon LAL, Suresh R, Okrah K, Bravo HCorrada, Mosser DM, El-Sayed NM.  2015.  Simultaneous transcriptional profiling of Leishmania major and its murine macrophage host cell reveals insights into host-pathogen interactions.. BMC Genomics. 16(1):1108.
Cummings MP, Myers D.S.  2004.  Simple statistical models predict C-to-U edited sites in plant mitochondrial RNA. BMC BioinformaticsBMC Bioinformatics. 5
Nagengast AA, Stitzinger SM, Tseng C-H, Mount SM, Salz HK.  2003.  Sex-lethal splicing autoregulation in vivo: interactions between SEX-LETHAL, the U1 snRNP and U2AF underlie male exon skipping.. Development. 130(3):463-71.
Fermin D.R, Barac A., Lee S., Polster S.P, Hannenhalli S, Bergemann T.L, Grindle S., Dyke D.B, Pagani F., Miller L.W et al..  2008.  Sex and age dimorphism of myocardial gene expression in nonischemic human heart failure. Circulation: Cardiovascular GeneticsCirculation: Cardiovascular Genetics. 1
Bartholomeu D., El‐Sayed NM, Melville S.E.  2004.  Sequencing Strategies for Parasite Genomes. METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY-CLIFTON THEN TOTOWA-METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY-CLIFTON THEN TOTOWA-. 270
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Mount SM, Steitz JA.  1981.  Sequence of U1 RNA from Drosophila melanogaster: implications for U1 secondary structure and possible involvement in splicing.. Nucleic Acids Res. 9(23):6351-68.
Gardner MJ, Shallom SJ, Carlton JM, Salzberg SL, Nene V, Shoaibi A, Ciecko A, Lynn J, Rizzo M, Weaver B et al..  2002.  Sequence of Plasmodium falciparum chromosomes 2, 10, 11 and 14. NatureNature. 419
Pepling M, Mount SM.  1990.  Sequence of a cDNA from the Drosophila melanogaster white gene.. Nucleic Acids Res. 18(6):1633.
Cerqueira GC, Bartholomeu DC, DaRocha WD, Hou L, Freitas-Silva DM, Machado CRenato, El‐Sayed NM, Teixeira SMR.  2008.  Sequence diversity and evolution of multigene families in Trypanosoma cruzi. Molecular and Biochemical ParasitologyMolecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 157
el-Sayed NMA, Ghedin E, Song J, MacLeod A, Bringaud F, Larkin C, Wanless D, Peterson J, Hou L, Taylor S et al..  2003.  The sequence and analysis of Trypanosoma brucei chromosome II.. Nucleic Acids Res. 31(16):4856-63.
el-Sayed NMA, Ghedin E, Song J, MacLeod A, Bringaud F, Larkin C, Wanless D, Peterson J, Hou L, Taylor S et al..  2003.  The sequence and analysis of Trypanosoma brucei chromosome II.. Nucleic Acids Res. 31(16):4856-63.
el-Sayed NMA, Ghedin E, Song J, MacLeod A, Bringaud F, Larkin C, Wanless D, Peterson J, Hou L, Taylor S et al..  2003.  The sequence and analysis of Trypanosoma brucei chromosome II.. Nucleic Acids Res. 31(16):4856-63.
