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Journal Articles
Bringaud F., Bartholomeu D.C, Blandin G., Delcher A., Baltz T., El‐Sayed NM, Ghedin E..  2006.  The Trypanosoma cruzi L1Tc and NARTc non-LTR retrotransposons show relative site specificity for insertion. Molecular biology and evolutionMolecular biology and evolution. 23
Bringaud F., Bartholomeu D.C, Blandin G., Delcher A., Baltz T., El‐Sayed NM, Ghedin E..  2006.  The Trypanosoma cruzi L1Tc and NARTc non-LTR retrotransposons show relative site specificity for insertion. Molecular biology and evolutionMolecular biology and evolution. 23
Bringaud F, Bartholomeu DC, Blandin G, Delcher A, Baltz T, el-Sayed NMA, Ghedin E.  2006.  The Trypanosoma cruzi L1Tc and NARTc non-LTR retrotransposons show relative site specificity for insertion.. Mol Biol Evol. 23(2):411-20.
Tilghman S., Astin H.S, Brinkley W., Chilton M.D, Cummings MP, Ehrenberg R.G, Fox M.F, Glenn K., Green P.J, Hans S. et al..  1998.  Trends in the early careers of life scientists - Preface and executive summary. Mol Biol CellMol Biol Cell. 9
Li Y, Shah-Simpson S, Okrah K, A Belew T, Choi J, Caradonna KL, Padmanabhan P, Ndegwa DM, M Temanni R, Bravo HCorrada et al..  2016.  Transcriptome Remodeling in Trypanosoma cruzi and Human Cells during Intracellular Infection.. PLoS Pathog. 12(4):e1005511.
Li Y, Shah-Simpson S, Okrah K, A Belew T, Choi J, Caradonna KL, Padmanabhan P, Ndegwa DM, M Temanni R, Bravo HCorrada et al..  2016.  Transcriptome Remodeling in Trypanosoma cruzi and Human Cells during Intracellular Infection.. PLoS Pathog. 12(4):e1005511.
Li Y, Shah-Simpson S, Okrah K, A Belew T, Choi J, Caradonna KL, Padmanabhan P, Ndegwa DM, M Temanni R, Bravo HCorrada et al..  2016.  Transcriptome Remodeling in Trypanosoma cruzi and Human Cells during Intracellular Infection.. PLoS Pathog. 12(4):e1005511.
Boonyaratanakornkit BB, Simpson AJ, Whitehead TA, Fraser CM, El‐Sayed NM, Clark DS.  2005.  Transcriptional profiling of the hyperthermophilic methanarchaeon Methanococcus jannaschii in response to lethal heat and non‐lethal cold shock. Environmental MicrobiologyEnvironmental Microbiology. 7
Boonyaratanakornkit BB, Simpson AJ, Whitehead TA, Fraser CM, el-Sayed NMA, Clark DS.  2005.  Transcriptional profiling of the hyperthermophilic methanarchaeon Methanococcus jannaschii in response to lethal heat and non-lethal cold shock.. Environ Microbiol. 7(6):789-97.
Regier J.C, Zwick A., Cummings MP, Kawahara A.Y, Cho S., Weller S., Roe A., Baixeras J., Brown J.W, Parr C. et al..  2009.  Toward reconstructing the evolution of advanced moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera: Ditrysia): an initial molecular study. BMC Evol BiolBMC Evol Biol. 9
Regier J.C, Zwick A., Cummings MP, Kawahara A.Y, Cho S., Weller S., Roe A., Baixeras J., Brown J.W, Parr C. et al..  2009.  Toward reconstructing the evolution of advanced moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera: Ditrysia): an initial molecular study. BMC Evol BiolBMC Evol Biol. 9
Regier J.C, Zwick A., Cummings MP, Kawahara A.Y, Cho S., Weller S., Roe A., Baixeras J., Brown J.W, Parr C. et al..  2009.  Toward reconstructing the evolution of advanced moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera: Ditrysia): an initial molecular study. BMC Evol BiolBMC Evol Biol. 9
Haft DH, Selengut J., Richter RA, Harkins D, Basu MK, Beck E.  2013.  TIGRFAMs and Genome Properties in 2013. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 41
Haft DH, Selengut JD, Richter RA, Harkins D, Basu MK, Beck E.  2013.  TIGRFAMs and Genome Properties in 2013.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(Database issue):D387-95.
Haft DH, Selengut J., Richter RA, Harkins D, Basu MK, Beck E.  2013.  TIGRFAMs and Genome Properties in 2013. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 41
Haft DH, Selengut JD, Richter RA, Harkins D, Basu MK, Beck E.  2013.  TIGRFAMs and Genome Properties in 2013.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(Database issue):D387-95.
Ward NL, Challacombe JF, Janssen PH, Henrissat B, Coutinho PM, Wu M, Xie G, Haft DH, Sait M, Badger J et al..  2009.  Three genomes from the phylum Acidobacteria provide insight into the lifestyles of these microorganisms in soils.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 75(7):2046-56.
Ward NL, Challacombe JF, Janssen PH, Henrissat B, Coutinho PM, Wu M, Xie G, Haft DH, Sait M, Badger J et al..  2009.  Three genomes from the phylum Acidobacteria provide insight into the lifestyles of these microorganisms in soils. Applied and environmental microbiologyApplied and environmental microbiology. 75
Ward NL, Challacombe JF, Janssen PH, Henrissat B, Coutinho PM, Wu M, Xie G, Haft DH, Sait M, Badger J et al..  2009.  Three genomes from the phylum Acidobacteria provide insight into the lifestyles of these microorganisms in soils.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 75(7):2046-56.
Ward NL, Challacombe JF, Janssen PH, Henrissat B, Coutinho PM, Wu M, Xie G, Haft DH, Sait M, Badger J et al..  2009.  Three genomes from the phylum Acidobacteria provide insight into the lifestyles of these microorganisms in soils. Applied and environmental microbiologyApplied and environmental microbiology. 75
Ward NL, Challacombe JF, Janssen PH, Henrissat B, Coutinho PM, Wu M, Xie G, Haft DH, Sait M, Badger J et al..  2009.  Three genomes from the phylum Acidobacteria provide insight into the lifestyles of these microorganisms in soils.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 75(7):2046-56.
Ward NL, Challacombe JF, Janssen PH, Henrissat B, Coutinho PM, Wu M, Xie G, Haft DH, Sait M, Badger J et al..  2009.  Three genomes from the phylum Acidobacteria provide insight into the lifestyles of these microorganisms in soils. Applied and environmental microbiologyApplied and environmental microbiology. 75
Ward NL, Challacombe JF, Janssen PH, Henrissat B, Coutinho PM, Wu M, Xie G, Haft DH, Sait M, Badger J et al..  2009.  Three genomes from the phylum Acidobacteria provide insight into the lifestyles of these microorganisms in soils.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 75(7):2046-56.
Ward NL, Challacombe JF, Janssen PH, Henrissat B, Coutinho PM, Wu M, Xie G, Haft DH, Sait M, Badger J et al..  2009.  Three genomes from the phylum Acidobacteria provide insight into the lifestyles of these microorganisms in soils. Applied and environmental microbiologyApplied and environmental microbiology. 75
Ward NL, Challacombe JF, Janssen PH, Henrissat B, Coutinho PM, Wu M, Xie G, Haft DH, Sait M, Badger J et al..  2009.  Three genomes from the phylum Acidobacteria provide insight into the lifestyles of these microorganisms in soils.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 75(7):2046-56.
