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2016. Systems-Wide Prediction of Enzyme Promiscuity Reveals a New Underground Alternative Route for Pyridoxal 5'-Phosphate Production in E. coli.. PLoS Comput Biol. 12(1):e1004705.
2015. Fumarate induces redox-dependent senescence by modifying glutathione metabolism.. Nat Commun. 6:6001.
2015. Glutamine synthetase activity fuels nucleotide biosynthesis and supports growth of glutamine-restricted glioblastoma. Nature Cell Biology. 17(12):1556-1568.
2015. Harnessing the landscape of microbial culture media to predict new organism-media pairings.. Nat Commun. 6:8493.
2015. Improved evidence-based genome-scale metabolic models for maize leaf, embryo, and endosperm.. Front Plant Sci. 6:142.
2015. A molecular phylogeny for the oldest (nonditrysian) lineages of extant Lepidoptera, with implications for classification, comparative morphology and life-history evolution. Systematic Entomology. :n/a-n/a.
2015. Proteomics-based metabolic modeling reveals that fatty acid oxidation (FAO) controls endothelial cell (EC) permeability.. Mol Cell Proteomics. 14(3):621-34.
2015. Proteomics-based metabolic modeling reveals that fatty acid oxidation (FAO) controls endothelial cell (EC) permeability.. Mol Cell Proteomics. 14(3):621-34.
2014. Developmental expression of chicken FOXN1 and putative target genes during feather development.. Int J Dev Biol. 58(1):57-64.
2014. Glycan Degradation (GlyDeR) Analysis Predicts Mammalian Gut Microbiota Abundance and Host Diet-Specific Adaptations. mBio. 5(4):e01526-14-e01526-14.
2014. Large hypomethylated blocks as a universal defining epigenetic alteration in human solid tumors.. Genome Med. 6(8):61.
2014. Maximal Sum of Metabolic Exchange Fluxes Outperforms Biomass Yield as a Predictor of Growth Rate of Microorganisms. PLoS ONE. 9(5):e98372.
2014. A molecular phylogeny and revised classification for the oldest ditrysian moth lineages (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea), with implications for ancestral feeding habits of the mega-diverse Ditrysia. Systematic Entomology. 40:409-432.
2014. A new rhesus macaque assembly and annotation for next-generation sequencing analyses. Biology direct. 9:20.
2014. A new rhesus macaque assembly and annotation for next-generation sequencing analyses. Biology direct. 9:20.
2014. A Novel Nutritional Predictor Links Microbial Fastidiousness with Lowered Ubiquity, Growth Rate, and Cooperativeness. PLoS Computational Biology. 10(7):e1003726.
2013. AWTY, BAMBE, BEAGLE, BEAST, BEAUti, Bio++, DataMonkey, DendroPy, DnaSP, ENCprime/SeqCount, FigTree, GARLI, genealogical sorting index (gsi), HyPhy, IMa2, jModelTest, JELLYFISH, LAMARC, MacClade, MEGA, Mesquite. Dictionary of Bioinformatics.
2013. A large-scale, higher-level, molecular phylogenetic study of the insect order Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). PLoS OnePLoS One. 8
2013. A large-scale, higher-level, molecular phylogenetic study of the insect order Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). PLoS OnePLoS One. 8
2013. Somatic alterations contributing to metastasis of a castration-resistant prostate cancer. Human mutationHuman mutation. 34
2012. AGORA: Assembly Guided by Optical Restriction Alignment. BMC bioinformaticsBMC Bioinformatics. 13
2012. BEAGLE: An Application Programming Interface and High-Performance Computing Library for Statistical Phylogenetics. Systematic BiologySyst BiolSystematic BiologySyst Biol. 61