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2015. Genomic variation. Impact of regulatory variation from RNA to protein.. Science. 347(6222):664-7.
2013. Primate transcript and protein expression levels evolve under compensatory selection pressures.. Science. 342(6162):1100-4.
2010. Genome-wide analysis reveals novel genes essential for heme homeostasis in Caenorhabditis elegans.. PLoS Genet. 6(7):e1001044.
2007. Members of a large retroposon family are determinants of post-transcriptional gene expression in Leishmania.. PLoS Pathog. 3(9):1291-307.
2005. Genome Properties: a system for the investigation of prokaryotic genetic content for microbiology, genome annotation and comparative genomics. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 21
2002. Trypanosoma cruzi: RNA structure and post-transcriptional control of tubulin gene expression.. Exp Parasitol. 102(3-4):123-33.
1990. Drosophila melanogaster genes for U1 snRNA variants and their expression during development.. Nucleic Acids Res. 18(23):6971-9.
1985. Complete nucleotide sequence of the Drosophila transposable element copia: homology between copia and retroviral proteins.. Mol Cell Biol. 5(7):1630-8.