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Journal Articles
Teixeira SM, El-Sayed NM, Araújo PR.  2011.  The genome and its implications.. Adv Parasitol. 75:209-30.
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Mount S, Steitz J.  1983.  Lessons from mutant globins.. Nature. 303(5916):380-1.
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Khan Z, Ford MJ, Cusanovich DA, Mitrano A, Pritchard JK, Gilad Y.  2013.  Primate transcript and protein expression levels evolve under compensatory selection pressures.. Science. 342(6162):1100-4.
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Bernstein LB, Mount SM, Weiner AM.  1983.  Pseudogenes for human small nuclear RNA U3 appear to arise by integration of self-primed reverse transcripts of the RNA into new chromosomal sites.. Cell. 32(2):461-72.
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