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2006. A mammalian promoter model links cis elements to genetic networks. Biochemical and Biophysical Research CommunicationsBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 347
2008. Maternal depletion of CTCF reveals multiple functions during oocyte and preimplantation embryo development. DevelopmentDevelopment. 135
2014. Maximal Sum of Metabolic Exchange Fluxes Outperforms Biomass Yield as a Predictor of Growth Rate of Microorganisms. PLoS ONE. 9(5):e98372.
2011. Metagenomic 16S rDNA Targeted PCR-DGGE in Determining Bacterial Diversity in Aquatic Ecosystem. Bangladesh Journal of MicrobiologyBangladesh Journal of Microbiology. 27
2011. Metagenomic 16S rDNA Targeted PCR-DGGE in Determining Bacterial Diversity in Aquatic Ecosystem. Bangladesh Journal of MicrobiologyBangladesh Journal of Microbiology. 27
2007. MetaProm: a neural network based meta-predictor for alternative human promoter prediction. BMC genomicsBMC Genomics. 8
2003. Method of DNA extraction and application of multiplex polymerase chain reaction to detect toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 from aquatic ecosystems. Environmental MicrobiologyEnvironmental Microbiology. 5
2015. Microbiota that affect risk for shigellosis in children in low-income countries. Emerg Infect DisEmerg Infect Dis. 21:242-50.
2015. Microbiota that affect risk for shigellosis in children in low-income countries. Emerg Infect DisEmerg Infect Dis. 21:242-50.
2009. Mimosa: mixture model of co-expression to detect modulators of regulatory interaction. Algorithms in BioinformaticsAlgorithms in Bioinformatics.
2009. Mimosa: mixture model of co-expression to detect modulators of regulatory interaction. Algorithms in BioinformaticsAlgorithms in Bioinformatics.
2010. Mimosa: Mixture model of co-expression to detect modulators of regulatory interaction. Algorithms for Molecular BiologyAlgorithms for Molecular Biology. 5
2010. Mimosa: Mixture model of co-expression to detect modulators of regulatory interaction. Algorithms for Molecular BiologyAlgorithms for Molecular Biology. 5
2014. Minfi: a flexible and comprehensive Bioconductor package for the analysis of Infinium DNA methylation microarrays.. Bioinformatics. 30(10):1363-9.
2008. The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
2008. The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
2008. The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
2008. The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
2008. The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
2014. A molecular phylogeny and revised classification for the oldest ditrysian moth lineages (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea), with implications for ancestral feeding habits of the mega-diverse Ditrysia. Systematic Entomology. 40:409-432.
2012. A molecular phylogeny for the pyraloid moths (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea) and its implications for higher-level classification. Systematic Entomology. 37(4):635-656.
2009. Motifs and cis-regulatory modules mediating the expression of genes co-expressed in presynaptic neurons. Genome BiologyGenome Biology. 10
2012. MrBayes 3.2: Efficient Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference and Model Choice Across a Large Model Space. Systematic Biology. 61:539-542.
2012. MrBayes 3.2: Efficient Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference and Model Choice Across a Large Model Space. Systematic Biology. 61:539-542.
1998. Multiple mechanisms of immune evasion by African trypanosomes. Molecular and Biochemical ParasitologyMolecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 91