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Zarecki R, Oberhardt MA, Yizhak K, Wagner A, Segal EShtifman, Freilich S, Henry CS, Gophna U, Ruppin E.  2014.  Maximal Sum of Metabolic Exchange Fluxes Outperforms Biomass Yield as a Predictor of Growth Rate of Microorganisms. PLoS ONE. 9(5):e98372.
Zarecki R, Oberhardt MA, Reshef L, Gophna U, Ruppin E.  2014.  A Novel Nutritional Predictor Links Microbial Fastidiousness with Lowered Ubiquity, Growth Rate, and Cooperativeness. PLoS Computational Biology. 10(7):e1003726.
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Zo Y-G, Colwell RR.  2008.  A simple binomial test for estimating sequencing errors in public repository 16S rRNA sequences. Journal of Microbiological MethodsJournal of Microbiological Methods. 72
Zo Y-G, Chokesajjawatee N, Arakawa E, Watanabe H, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2008.  Covariability of Vibrio Cholerae Microdiversity and Environmental Parameters. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 74
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