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1999. More surprises from Kinetoplastida. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 96
1998. Multiple mechanisms of immune evasion by African trypanosomes. Molecular and Biochemical ParasitologyMolecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 91
1999. Multiple mechanisms of immune evasion by African trypanosomes. The Trypanosome Surface . :71-91.
2002. A new, expressed multigene family containing a hot spot for insertion of retroelements is associated with polymorphic subtelomeric regions of Trypanosoma brucei. Eukaryotic cellEukaryotic Cell. 1
2002. A new, expressed multigene family containing a hot spot for insertion of retroelements is associated with polymorphic subtelomeric regions of Trypanosoma brucei.. Eukaryot Cell. 1(1):137-51.
2007. New Trypanosoma cruzi Repeated Element That Shows Site Specificity for Insertion. Eukaryotic CellEukaryotic Cell. 6
2004. Pandemic strains of O3:K6 Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the aquatic environment of Bangladesh. Canadian Journal of MicrobiologyCanadian Journal of Microbiology. 50
2009. A phylogenetic mixture model for the evolution of gene expression. Molecular biology and evolutionMolecular biology and evolution. 26
2012. Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 1 blocks the proinflammatory protein S100P.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109(14):5429-34.
2004. Polylysogeny and prophage induction by secondary infection in Vibrio cholerae. Environmental MicrobiologyEnvironmental Microbiology. 6
2005. Promoter architecture and response to a positive regulator of archaeal transcription. Molecular MicrobiologyMolecular Microbiology. 56
2015. Proteomics-based metabolic modeling reveals that fatty acid oxidation (FAO) controls endothelial cell (EC) permeability.. Mol Cell Proteomics. 14(3):621-34.
2009. PTM-Switchboard—a database of posttranslational modifications of transcription factors, the mediating enzymes and target genes. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 37
2010. Regulating the regulators: modulators of transcription factor activity. Methods Mol. BiolMethods Mol. Biol. 674
2006. Retroviral DNA integration: viral and cellular determinants of target-site selection. PLoS pathogensPLoS pathogens. 2
2012. Role of Shrimp Chitin in the Ecology of Toxigenic Vibrio cholerae and Cholera Transmission. Frontiers in MicrobiologyFront MicrobiolFrontiers in MicrobiologyFront Microbiol. 2
2008. Role of transposable elements in trypanosomatids. Microbes and InfectionMicrobes and Infection. 10
2009. Salient Frame Detection for Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Scientific VisualizationScientific Visualization.
2007. Schistosoma mansoni genome: Closing in on a final gene set. Experimental ParasitologyExperimental Parasitology. 117
2004. Schistosoma mansoni genome project: an update. Parasitology InternationalParasitology International. 53
2008. Schistosoma mansoni: Microarray analysis of gene expression induced by host sex.. Exp Parasitol. 120(4):357-63.
2006. Schistosoma mansoni (Platyhelminthes, Trematoda) nuclear receptors: Sixteen new members and a novel subfamily. GeneGene. 366
2003. The sequence and analysis of Trypanosoma brucei chromosome II. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 31
2003. The sequence and analysis of Trypanosoma brucei chromosome II.. Nucleic Acids Res. 31(16):4856-63.
2008. Sequence diversity and evolution of multigene families in Trypanosoma cruzi. Molecular and Biochemical ParasitologyMolecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 157