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2012. Temporal and Spatial Variability in the Distribution of Vibrio vulnificus in the Chesapeake Bay: A Hindcast Study. EcoHealthEcoHealth.
2012. Vibrio Cholerae Classical Biotype Strains Reveal Distinct Signatures in Mexico. Journal of Clinical MicrobiologyJ. Clin. Microbiol.Journal of Clinical MicrobiologyJ. Clin. Microbiol..
2012. Whole genome analysis of Leptospira licerasiae provides insight into leptospiral evolution and pathogenicity. PLoS neglected tropical diseasesPLoS neglected tropical diseases. 6
2012. Whole genome analysis of Leptospira licerasiae provides insight into leptospiral evolution and pathogenicity.. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 6(10):e1853.
2011. Accelerated evolution of 3'avian FOXE1 genes, and thyroid and feather specific expression of chicken FoxE1. BMC Evolutionary BiologyBMC Evolutionary Biology. 11
2011. Aquatic Realm and Cholera. Epidemiological and Molecular Aspects on CholeraEpidemiological and Molecular Aspects on Cholera.
2011. Clonal transmission, dual peak, and off-season cholera in Bangladesh. Infection Ecology & EpidemiologyInfection Ecology & Epidemiology. 1
2011. Direct targeting of Sec23a by miR-200s influences cancer cell secretome and promotes metastatic colonization. Nature Medicine. 17(9):1101-1108.
2011. Direct targeting of Sec23a by miR-200s influences cancer cell secretome and promotes metastatic colonization. Nature Medicine. 17(9):1101-1108.
2011. Direct targeting of Sec23a by miR-200s influences cancer cell secretome and promotes metastatic colonization. Nature Medicine. 17(9):1101-1108.
2011. Direct targeting of Sec23a by miR-200s influences cancer cell secretome and promotes metastatic colonization.. Nat Med. 17(9):1101-8.
2011. Direct targeting of Sec23a by miR-200s influences cancer cell secretome and promotes metastatic colonization.. Nat Med. 17(9):1101-8.
2011. Direct targeting of Sec23a by miR-200s influences cancer cell secretome and promotes metastatic colonization.. Nat Med. 17(9):1101-8.
2011. Gene Coexpression Network Topology of Cardiac Development, Hypertrophy, and FailureClinical Perspective. Circulation: cardiovascular geneticsCirculation: Cardiovascular Genetics. 4
2011. Gene Coexpression Network Topology of Cardiac Development, Hypertrophy, and FailureClinical Perspective. Circulation: cardiovascular geneticsCirculation: Cardiovascular Genetics. 4
2011. Genome-Wide Survey of Natural Selection on Functional, Structural, and Network Properties of Polymorphic Sites in Saccharomyces Paradoxus. Molecular Biology and EvolutionMol Biol EvolMolecular Biology and EvolutionMol Biol Evol. 28
2011. Haem oxygenase is synthetically lethal with the tumour suppressor fumarate hydratase.. Nature. 477(7363):225-8.
2011. Increased methylation variation in epigenetic domains across cancer types. Nature Genetics. 43(8):768-775.
2011. Interaction of Vibrio cholerae non-O1/non-O139 with Copepods, Cladocerans and Competing Bacteria in the Large Alkaline Lake Neusiedler See, Austria. Microbial ecologyMicrobial ecology. 61
2011. Interaction of Vibrio cholerae non-O1/non-O139 with Copepods, Cladocerans and Competing Bacteria in the Large Alkaline Lake Neusiedler See, Austria. Microbial ecologyMicrobial ecology. 61
2011. Long-term effects of ocean warming on the prokaryotic community: evidence from the vibrios. The ISME JournalThe ISME journal. 6
2011. Metagenomic 16S rDNA Targeted PCR-DGGE in Determining Bacterial Diversity in Aquatic Ecosystem. Bangladesh Journal of MicrobiologyBangladesh Journal of Microbiology. 27
2011. Metagenomic 16S rDNA Targeted PCR-DGGE in Determining Bacterial Diversity in Aquatic Ecosystem. Bangladesh Journal of MicrobiologyBangladesh Journal of Microbiology. 27