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Arkin EM, Belleville P, Mitchell JSB, Mount D, Romanik K, Salzberg S, Souvaine D.  1997.  Testing simple polygons. Computational GeometryComputational Geometry. 8
Arkin EM, Belleville P, Mitchell JSB, Mount D, Romanik K, Salzberg S, Souvaine D.  1997.  Testing simple polygons. Computational GeometryComputational Geometry. 8
Otto S.P, Cummings MP, Wakeley J..  1996.  Inferring phylogenies from DNA sequence data: The effects of sampling. New Uses for New PhylogeniesNew Uses for New Phylogenies.
Hannenhalli S, Feldman W, Lewis HF, Skiena SS, Pevzner PA.  1996.  Positional sequencing by hybridization. Computer applications in the biosciences : CABIOSComputer applications in the biosciences : CABIOS. 12
El‐Sayed NM, Alarcon CM, Beck JC, Sheffield VC, Donelson JE.  1995.  cDNA expressed sequence tags of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense provide new insights into the biology of the parasite. Molecular and Biochemical ParasitologyMolecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 73
Bennett J., Dretler S.P, Selengut J., Orme-Johnson W.H.  1994.  Identification of the calcium-binding protein calgranulin in the matrix of struvite stones. Journal of endourology / Endourological SocietyJournal of endourology / Endourological Society. 8
Hannenhalli S, Perumalla K., Chandrasekharan N., Sridhar R..  1993.  A distributed algorithm for ear decomposition. Fifth International Conference on Computing and Information, 1993. Proceedings ICCI '93.
Mount SM, Burks C, Hertz G, Stormo GD, White O, Fields C.  1992.  Splicing signals in Drosophila: intron size, information content, and consensus sequences.. Nucleic Acids Res. 20(16):4255-62.
Mount S, Steitz J.  1983.  Lessons from mutant globins.. Nature. 303(5916):380-1.
Steitz JA, Wolin SL, Rinke J, Pettersson I, Mount SM, Lerner EA, Hinterberger M, Gottlieb E.  1983.  Small ribonucleoproteins from eukaryotes: structures and roles in RNA biogenesis.. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 47 Pt 2:893-900.
Padgett RA, Mount SM, Steitz JA, Sharp PA.  1983.  Splicing of messenger RNA precursors is inhibited by antisera to small nuclear ribonucleoprotein.. Cell. 35(1):101-7.
Padgett RA, Mount SM, Steitz JA, Sharp PA.  1983.  Splicing of messenger RNA precursors is inhibited by antisera to small nuclear ribonucleoprotein.. Cell. 35(1):101-7.
Mount SM, Pettersson I, Hinterberger M, Karmas A, Steitz JA.  1983.  The U1 small nuclear RNA-protein complex selectively binds a 5' splice site in vitro.. Cell. 33(2):509-18.
Steitz JA, Berg C, Gottlieb E, Hardin JA, Hashimoto C, Hendrick JP, Hinterberger M, Krikeles M, Lerner MR, Mount SM.  1982.  Structure and function of small ribonucleoproteins from eukaryotic cells.. Princess Takamatsu Symp. 12:101-7.
Mount SM, Steitz JA.  1981.  Sequence of U1 RNA from Drosophila melanogaster: implications for U1 secondary structure and possible involvement in splicing.. Nucleic Acids Res. 9(23):6351-68.
Dingermann T, Sharp S, Appel B, DeFranco D, Mount S, Heiermann R, Pongs O, Söll D.  1981.  Transcription of cloned tRNA and 5S RNA genes in a Drosophila cell free extract.. Nucleic Acids Res. 9(16):3907-18.
Dingermann T, Sharp S, Appel B, DeFranco D, Mount S, Heiermann R, Pongs O, Söll D.  1981.  Transcription of cloned tRNA and 5S RNA genes in a Drosophila cell free extract.. Nucleic Acids Res. 9(16):3907-18.
Lerner MR, Boyle JA, Mount SM, Wolin SL, Steitz JA.  1980.  Are snRNPs involved in splicing? Nature. 283(5743):220-4.
