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Hannenhalli S, Hayes WS, Hatzigeorgiou AG, Fickett JW.  1999.  Bacterial Start Site Prediction. Nucleic Acids ResearchNucl. Acids Res.Nucleic Acids ResearchNucl. Acids Res.. 27
Grand J, Cummings MP, Rebelo TG, Ricketts TH, Neel MC.  2007.  Biased data reduce efficiency and effectiveness of conservation reserve networks. Ecology LettersEcology Letters. 10
Lee S., Wang T.D, Hashmi N., Cummings MP.  2007.  Bio-STEER: A Semantic Web workflow tool for Grid computing in the life sciences. Future Generation Comp SystFuture Generation Comp Syst. 23
Shneiderman B, Colwell RR, Diamond S, Greenhalgh P, Wulf W.  2007.  Bridging art and science with creativity support tools. Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCHI conference on Creativity & cognition.
Huq A, Whitehouse CA, Grim CJ, Alam M, Colwell RR.  2008.  Biofilms in water, its role and impact in human disease transmission. Current Opinion in BiotechnologyCurrent Opinion in Biotechnology. 19
Pop M., Salzberg SL.  2008.  Bioinformatics challenges of new sequencing technology. Trends in GeneticsTrends in Genetics. 24
Hannenhalli S.  2008.  BIOINFORMATICS REVIEW. BIOINFORMATICSBioinformatics. 24
Jakupciak JP, Colwell RR.  2009.  Biological agent detection technologies. Molecular Ecology ResourcesMolecular Ecology Resources. 9
Rasko D.A, Worsham P.L, Abshire T.G, Stanley S.T, Bannan J.D, Wilson M.R, Langham R.J, Decker R.S, Jiang L., Read T.D et al..  2011.  Bacillus anthracis comparative genome analysis in support of the Amerithrax investigation. Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 108
Koren S, Treangen T, Pop M..  2011.  Bambus 2: Scaffolding Metagenomes. Bioinformatics. 27
Lee SHee, Kalejta RF, Kerry J, Semmes OJohn, O'Connor CM, Khan Z, Garcia BA, Shenk T, Murphy E.  2012.  BclAF1 restriction factor is neutralized by proteasomal degradation and microRNA repression during human cytomegalovirus infection.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109(24):9575-80.
Lee S.H, Kalejta R.F, Kerry J., Semmes O.J, O'Connor C.M, Khan Z., Garcia B.A, Shenk T., Murphy E..  2012.  BclAF1 restriction factor is neutralized by proteasomal degradation and microRNA repression during human cytomegalovirus infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109(24):9575-9580.
Lee S.H, Kalejta R.F, Kerry J., Semmes O.J, O'Connor C.M, Khan Z., Garcia B.A, Shenk T., Murphy E..  2012.  BclAF1 restriction factor is neutralized by proteasomal degradation and microRNA repression during human cytomegalovirus infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109(24):9575-9580.
Ayres DL, Darling A, Zwickl DJ, Beerli P, Holder MT, Lewis PO, Huelsenbeck JP, Ronquist F, Swofford DL, Cummings MP et al..  2012.  BEAGLE: An Application Programming Interface and High-Performance Computing Library for Statistical Phylogenetics. Systematic BiologySyst BiolSystematic BiologySyst Biol. 61
Gevers D, Pop M., Schloss PD, Huttenhower C.  2012.  Bioinformatics for the Human Microbiome Project. PLOS Computational BiologyPLOS Computational Biology. 8
Das A, Morley M, Moravec CS, Tang W.HW, Hakonarson H, Ashley EA, Brandimarto J, Hu R, Li M, Li H et al..  2015.  Bayesian integration of genetics and epigenetics detects causal regulatory SNPs underlying expression variability. Nature Communications. 6:8555.