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Journal Articles
Lindsay B., Oundo J., Hossain M.A, Antonio M., Tamboura B., Walker A.W, Paulson J.N, Parkhill J., Omore R., Faruque A.S et al..  2015.  Microbiota that affect risk for shigellosis in children in low-income countries. Emerg Infect DisEmerg Infect Dis. 21:242-50.
Lindsay B., Oundo J., Hossain M.A, Antonio M., Tamboura B., Walker A.W, Paulson J.N, Parkhill J., Omore R., Faruque A.S et al..  2015.  Microbiota that affect risk for shigellosis in children in low-income countries. Emerg Infect DisEmerg Infect Dis. 21:242-50.
Field D, Garrity G, Gray T, Morrison N, Selengut J., Sterk P, Tatusova T, Thomson N, Allen MJ, Angiuoli SV et al..  2008.  The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
Field D, Garrity G, Gray T, Morrison N, Selengut J., Sterk P, Tatusova T, Thomson N, Allen MJ, Angiuoli SV et al..  2008.  The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
Field D, Garrity G, Gray T, Morrison N, Selengut J., Sterk P, Tatusova T, Thomson N, Allen MJ, Angiuoli SV et al..  2008.  The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
Field D, Garrity G, Gray T, Morrison N, Selengut J., Sterk P, Tatusova T, Thomson N, Allen MJ, Angiuoli SV et al..  2008.  The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
Baida RCP, Santos MRM, Carmo MS, Yoshida N, Ferreira D, Ferreira ATeixeira, Sayed NMEl, Andersson B, da Silveira JFranco.  2006.  Molecular Characterization of Serine-, Alanine-, and Proline-Rich Proteins of Trypanosoma cruzi and Their Possible Role in Host Cell Infection. Infect. Immun.Infect. Immun.. 74
Ronquist F., Teslenko M., van der Mark P., Ayres D.L, Darling A., Hohna S., Larget B., Liu L., Suchard M.A, Huelsenbeck J.P.  2012.  MrBayes 3.2: Efficient Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference and Model Choice Across a Large Model Space. Systematic Biology. 61:539-542.
Mulder NJ, Apweiler R, Attwood TK, Bairoch A, Bateman A, Binns D, Bork P, Buillard V, Cerutti L, Copley R et al..  2007.  New developments in the InterPro database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 35(Database issue):D224-8.
Mulder NJ, Apweiler R, Attwood TK, Bairoch A, Bateman A, Binns D, Bork P, Buillard V, Cerutti L, Copley R et al..  2007.  New developments in the InterPro database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 35(Database issue):D224-8.
Khondker M, Bhuiyan RAhmed, Yeasmin J, Alam M, R. Sack B, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2008.  New records of phytoplankton for Bangladesh. 2. Cryptophyceae and Synurophyceae. Bangladesh Journal of BotanyBangladesh Journal of Botany. 36
Khondker M, Bhuiyan RAhmed, Yeasmin J, Alam M, R. Sack B, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2007.  New records of phytoplankton for Bangladesh. 3. Volvocales. Bangladesh Journal of Plant TaxonomyBangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy. 14
Khondker M, Bhuiyan RAhmed, Yeasim J, Alam M, R. Sack B, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2007.  New records of phytoplankton for Bangladesh. 4. Chlorococcales. Bangladesh Journal of Plant TaxonomyBangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy. 14
Khondker M, Bhuiyan RAhmed, Yeasmin J, Alam M, R. Sack B, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2008.  New records of phytoplankton for Bangladesh. 5. Euglena, Euglenocapsa. Bangladesh Journal of Plant TaxonomyBangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy. 15
Khondker M, Bhuiyan RAhmed, Yeasmin J, Alam M, R. Sack B, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2008.  New records of phytoplankton for Bangladesh. 7. Phacus spp. Bangladesh Journal of BotanyBangladesh Journal of Botany. 37
Khondker M, Bhuiyan RAhmed, Yeasmin J, Alam M, R. Sack B, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2008.  New records of phytoplankton for Bangladesh. 8. Trachelomonas Ehr. (Euglenophyceae). Bangladesh Journal of BotanyBangladesh Journal of Botany. 37
Khondker M, Bhuiyan RAhmed, Yeasmin J, Alam M, R. Sack B, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2009.  New records of phytoplankton for Bangladesh. 9. Some rare and a new species. Bangladesh Journal of Plant TaxonomyBangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy. 16
Treangen T, Sommer D.D, Angly F.E, Koren S., Pop M..  2011.  Next Generation Sequence Assembly with AMOS. Current Protocols in BioinformaticsCurrent Protocols in Bioinformatics. 11
Treangen T, Darling AE, Achaz G, Ragan MA, Messeguer X, Rocha EPC.  2009.  A novel heuristic for local multiple alignment of interspersed DNA repeats. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB). 6:180–189.
Treangen T, Darling A.E., Achaz G., Ragan M.A., Messeguer X., Rocha E.P.C..  2009.  A Novel Heuristic for Local Multiple Alignment of Interspersed DNA Repeats. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 6(2):180-189.
Grim CJ, Taviani E, Alam M, Huq A, R. Sack B, Colwell RR.  2008.  Occurrence and Expression of Luminescence in Vibrio Cholerae. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 74
Mozumder P.K, Banu M.A, Naser M.N, Ali M.S, Alam M., Sack R.B, Colwell RR, Huq A..  2012.  Occurrence of protozoans & their limnological relationships in some ponds of Mathbaria, Bangladesh. University Journal of Zoology, Rajshahi UniversityUniversity Journal of Zoology, Rajshahi University. 29
Mozumder P.K, Banu M.A, Naser M.N, Ali M.S, Alam M., Sack R.B, Colwell RR, Huq A..  2012.  Occurrence of protozoans & their limnological relationships in some ponds of Mathbaria, Bangladesh. University Journal of Zoology, Rajshahi UniversityUniversity Journal of Zoology, Rajshahi University. 29
De Magny GConstantin, Mozumder PK, Grim CJ, Hasan NA, M. Naser N, Alam M, Sack B, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2011.  Population Dynamics of Vibrio Cholerae and Cholera in the Bangladesh Sundarbans: Role of Zooplankton Diversity. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol..
Khan Z, Bloom JS, Amini S, Singh M, Perlman DH, Caudy AA, Kruglyak L.  2012.  Quantitative measurement of allele-specific protein expression in a diploid yeast hybrid by LC-MS. Molecular Systems Biology. 8
