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2003. The complete genome sequence of the Arabidopsis and tomato pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100
2003. Direct Detection of Vibrio Cholerae and ctxA in Peruvian Coastal Water and Plankton by PCR. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 69
2003. Dynamic querying for pattern identification in microarray and genomic data. 2003 International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2003. ICME '03. Proceedings. 3
2003. Genome of Geobacter sulfurreducens: metal reduction in subsurface environments. Science (New York, N.Y.)Science (New York, N.Y.). 302
2003. Genome of Geobacter sulfurreducens: metal reduction in subsurface environments. Science (New York, N.Y.)Science (New York, N.Y.). 302
2003. The genome sequence of Bacillus anthracis Ames and comparison to closely related bacteria. NatureNature. 423
2003. The genome sequence of Bacillus anthracis Ames and comparison to closely related bacteria. NatureNature. 423
2003. The genome sequence of Bacillus anthracis Ames and comparison to closely related bacteria. NatureNature. 423
2003. The genome sequence of Bacillus anthracis Ames and comparison to closely related bacteria. NatureNature. 423
2003. The genome sequence of Bacillus anthracis Ames and comparison to closely related bacteria. NatureNature. 423
2003. The genome sequence of Bacillus anthracis Ames and comparison to closely related bacteria. NatureNature. 423
2003. Improving the Arabidopsis genome annotation using maximal transcript alignment assemblies.. Nucleic Acids Res. 31(19):5654-66.
2003. Improving the Arabidopsis genome annotation using maximal transcript alignment assemblies.. Nucleic Acids Res. 31(19):5654-66.
2003. Method of DNA extraction and application of multiplex polymerase chain reaction to detect toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 from aquatic ecosystems. Environmental MicrobiologyEnvironmental Microbiology. 5
2003. Predictability of Vibrio Cholerae in Chesapeake Bay. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 69
2003. Reduction of Cholera in Bangladeshi Villages by Simple Filtration. Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesPNASProceedings of the National Academy of SciencesPNAS. 100
2003. The sequence and analysis of Trypanosoma brucei chromosome II. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 31
2003. The sequence and analysis of Trypanosoma brucei chromosome II.. Nucleic Acids Res. 31(16):4856-63.
2003. The sequence and analysis of Trypanosoma brucei chromosome II.. Nucleic Acids Res. 31(16):4856-63.
2003. The sequence and analysis of Trypanosoma brucei chromosome II.. Nucleic Acids Res. 31(16):4856-63.
2003. Transcriptional regulation of protein complexes and biological pathways. Mammalian GenomeMammalian Genome. 14
2002. 1.375-approximation algorithm for sorting by reversals. Algorithms—ESA 2002Algorithms—ESA 2002.
2002. Analysis of stage-specific gene expression in the bloodstream and the procyclic form of Trypanosoma brucei using a genomic DNA-microarray.. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 123(2):115-23.