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2016. Dual Transcriptome Profiling of Leishmania-Infected Human Macrophages Reveals Distinct Reprogramming Signatures. mBio. 7(3):e00027-16.
2016. The fruRBA operon is necessary for Group A Streptococcal growth in fructose and for resistance to neutrophil killing during growth in whole human blood.. Infect Immun.
2016. Genome-scale study reveals reduced metabolic adaptability in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Nature Communications. 7:8994.
2016. Genome-scale study reveals reduced metabolic adaptability in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.. Nat Commun. 7:8994.
2016. Identification guide to the heterobranch sea slugs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Bocas del Toro, Panama. Marine Biodiversity Records. 96737453830254034557880541418411912544728739317415779780725696418782226404216145163412560451520488424050829677(12343–4)
2016. Identification guide to the heterobranch sea slugs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Bocas del Toro, Panama. Marine Biodiversity Records. 96737453830254034557880541418411912544728739317415779780725696418782226404216145163412560451520488424050829677(12343–4)
2016. The fruRBA Operon Is Necessary for Group A Streptococcal Growth in Fructose and for Resistance to Neutrophil Killing during Growth in Whole Human Blood. Infection and Immunity. 84(4):1016-1031.
2016. Longitudinal analysis of the lung microbiota of cynomolgous macaques during long-term SHIV infection. Microbiome. 4320384718719152130282021211818418719223326578105723(158836212108125732558101131110121arXiv:1006.3316)
2016. Mash: fast genome and metagenome distance estimation using MinHash. Genome Biology. (1Suppl 19)
2016. Mash: fast genome and metagenome distance estimation using MinHash. Genome Biology. (1Suppl 19)
2016. methylFlow: cell-specific methylation pattern reconstruction from high-throughput bisulfite-converted DNA sequencing. Bioinformatics. 32(11):1618-1624.
2015. Bayesian integration of genetics and epigenetics detects causal regulatory SNPs underlying expression variability. Nature Communications. 6:8555.
2015. Bayesian integration of genetics and epigenetics detects causal regulatory SNPs underlying expression variability. Nature Communications. 6:8555.
2015. Bayesian integration of genetics and epigenetics detects causal regulatory SNPs underlying expression variability. Nature Communications. 6:8555.
2015. Essential Genes in the Core Genome of the Human Pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes.. Sci Rep. 5:9838.
2015. Evaluation of BLAST-based edge-weighting metrics used for homology inference with the Markov Clustering algorithm.. BMC Bioinformatics. 16:218.
2015. Fumarate induces redox-dependent senescence by modifying glutathione metabolism.. Nat Commun. 6:6001.
2015. Fumarate induces redox-dependent senescence by modifying glutathione metabolism.. Nat Commun. 6:6001.
2015. The generation of macrophages with anti-inflammatory activity in the absence of STAT6 signaling.. J Leukoc Biol. 98(3):395-407.
2015. Genomic variation. Impact of regulatory variation from RNA to protein.. Science. 347(6222):664-7.