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2011. Role of Zooplankton Diversity in Vibrio Cholerae Population Dynamics and in the Incidence of Cholera in the Bangladesh Sundarbans. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 77
2011. Temperature regulation of virulence factors in the pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus. The ISME JournalThe ISME journal. 6
2011. Temperature regulation of virulence factors in the pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus. The ISME JournalThe ISME journal. 6
2010. Comparative Genomics of Clinical and Environmental Vibrio Mimicus. Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesPNASProceedings of the National Academy of SciencesPNAS. 107
2010. Comparative Genomics of Clinical and Environmental Vibrio Mimicus. Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesPNASProceedings of the National Academy of SciencesPNAS. 107
2010. Diversity and distribution of cholix toxin, a novel ADP‐ribosylating factor from Vibrio cholerae. Environmental Microbiology ReportsEnvironmental Microbiology Reports. 2
2010. Evolutionary framework for Lepidoptera model systems. Genetics and Molecular Biology of LepidopteraGenetics and Molecular Biology of Lepidoptera.
2010. Evolutionary framework for Lepidoptera model systems. Genetics and Molecular Biology of LepidopteraGenetics and Molecular Biology of Lepidoptera.
2010. Genetic and Physiological Activation of Osmosensitive Gene Expression Mimics Transcriptional Signatures of Pathogen Infection in C. elegans. PLoS ONEPLoS One. 5
2010. Genome-wide analysis reveals novel genes essential for heme homeostasis in Caenorhabditis elegans.. PLoS Genet. 6(7):e1001044.
2010. Identification of Pathogenic Vibrio Species by Multilocus PCR-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Its Application to Aquatic Environments of the Former Soviet Republic of Georgia. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 76
2010. Identification of Pathogenic Vibrio Species by Multilocus PCR-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Its Application to Aquatic Environments of the Former Soviet Republic of Georgia. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 76
2010. A model for using a concept inventory as a tool for students' assessment and faculty professional development.. CBE Life Sci Educ. 9(4):408-16.
2010. A model for using a concept inventory as a tool for students' assessment and faculty professional development.. CBE Life Sci Educ. 9(4):408-16.
2010. A model for using a concept inventory as a tool for students' assessment and faculty professional development.. CBE Life Sci Educ. 9(4):408-16.
2010. A model for using a concept inventory as a tool for students' assessment and faculty professional development.. CBE Life Sci Educ. 9(4):408-16.
2009. Analysis of clonally related environmental Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor isolated before 1992 from Varanasi, India reveals origin of SXT‐ICEs belonging to O139 and O1 serogroups. Environmental Microbiology ReportsEnvironmental Microbiology Reports. 2
2009. Analysis of clonally related environmental Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor isolated before 1992 from Varanasi, India reveals origin of SXT‐ICEs belonging to O139 and O1 serogroups. Environmental Microbiology ReportsEnvironmental Microbiology Reports. 2
2009. Analysis of clonally related environmental Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor isolated before 1992 from Varanasi, India reveals origin of SXT‐ICEs belonging to O139 and O1 serogroups. Environmental Microbiology ReportsEnvironmental Microbiology Reports. 2
2009. Assessing Student Understanding of Host Pathogen Interactions Using a Concept Inventory. J. Microbiol. Biol. Ed.. 10:43-50.
2009. Assessing Student Understanding of Host Pathogen Interactions Using a Concept Inventory. J. Microbiol. Biol. Ed.. 10:43-50.
2009. Assessing Student Understanding of Host Pathogen Interactions Using a Concept Inventory. J. Microbiol. Biol. Ed.. 10:43-50.