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2008. The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
2008. The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
2008. The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
2008. The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
2008. The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
2008. The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
2010. Mimosa: Mixture model of co-expression to detect modulators of regulatory interaction. Algorithms for Molecular BiologyAlgorithms for Molecular Biology. 5
2009. Mimosa: mixture model of co-expression to detect modulators of regulatory interaction. Algorithms in BioinformaticsAlgorithms in Bioinformatics.
2015. Microbiota that affect risk for shigellosis in children in low-income countries. Emerg Infect DisEmerg Infect Dis. 21:242-50.
2015. Microbiota that affect risk for shigellosis in children in low-income countries. Emerg Infect DisEmerg Infect Dis. 21:242-50.
2015. Microbiota that affect risk for shigellosis in children in low-income countries. Emerg Infect DisEmerg Infect Dis. 21:242-50.
2015. Microbiota that affect risk for shigellosis in children in low-income countries. Emerg Infect DisEmerg Infect Dis. 21:242-50.
2015. Microbiota that affect risk for shigellosis in children in low-income countries. Emerg Infect DisEmerg Infect Dis. 21:242-50.
2013. MetAMOS: a modular and open source metagenomic assembly and analysis pipeline. Genome BiolGenome Biol. 14
2011. Metagenomic 16S rDNA Targeted PCR-DGGE in Determining Bacterial Diversity in Aquatic Ecosystem. Bangladesh Journal of MicrobiologyBangladesh Journal of Microbiology. 27
2011. Metagenomic 16S rDNA Targeted PCR-DGGE in Determining Bacterial Diversity in Aquatic Ecosystem. Bangladesh Journal of MicrobiologyBangladesh Journal of Microbiology. 27
2011. Metagenomic 16S rDNA Targeted PCR-DGGE in Determining Bacterial Diversity in Aquatic Ecosystem. Bangladesh Journal of MicrobiologyBangladesh Journal of Microbiology. 27
2007. Members of a large retroposon family are determinants of post-transcriptional gene expression in Leishmania.. PLoS Pathog. 3(9):1291-307.
2009. Measuring differential gene expression by short read sequencing: quantitative comparison to 2-channel gene expression microarrays.. BMC Genomics. 10:221.
2009. Measuring differential gene expression by short read sequencing: quantitative comparison to 2-channel gene expression microarrays. BMC Genomics. 10(1):221.
2001. MDP-1 is a new and distinct member of the haloacid dehalogenase family of aspartate-dependent phosphohydrolases. BiochemistryBiochemistry. 40