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CBCB scientists Mihai Pop, Joseph Paulson, Irina Astrovskaya, and Héctor Corrada Bravo publish a study on diarrhea in low income countries

Jun 27, 2014
CBCB scientists Mihai Pop, Joseph Paulson, Irina Astrovskaya, and Héctor Corrada Bravo, together with colleagues from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, publish in the journal Genome Biology the results of a large-scale study on diarrheal disease in low-income studies. The study, led by Mihai Pop from the CBCB and Colin Stine from UMSOM, has characterized the gut microbiota in 992 children with diarrhea and diarrhea-free controls from four low-income countries (The Gambia, Mali, Kenya, and Bangladesh). This study identifies new organisms that may be implicated in diarrheal disease as well as the existence of several bacterial groups that may protect children from diarrhea. Further information is available in the UM Press release and on the project's website.

CBCB faculty Najib El Sayed, Mihai Pop, and Jeremy Selengut are considered "Highly Cited" by Thompson Reuters

Jun 24, 2014
CBCB faculty Najib El Sayed, Mihai Pop, and Jeremy Selengut, appear on this year's list of Highly Cited researchers published by Thompson Reuters. The list, available at, comprises researchers who appear in the top 1% of their discipline in terms of citations to their papers published between 2002 and 2012. For more information see the press release at Science Watch .

Emily Jones Awarded National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

Mon Apr 07, 2014

Emily Jones Awarded National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. story here

New video highlights health informatics initiative

Tue Nov 19, 2013

CBCB scientists are involved in a new University of Maryland initiative, the Center for Health-related Informatics and Bioimaging (CHIB). This new Center will foster stronger ties between the College Park and Baltimore campuses of our University by supporting inter-disciplinary biomedical research activities. CHIB is featured in a new video:

CBCB researchers publish software for microbiome association statistics

Sun Sep 29, 2013

CBCB researchers Héctor Corrada Bravo, Joseph Paulson, and Mihai Pop together with their colleague O. Colin Stine from the University of Maryland School of Medicine publish a new statistical package for performing differential analysis in metagenomic data. The new package, metagenomeSeq, implemented as part of the Bioconductor package, appeared today in as advanced online publication in the journal Nature Methods. This package addresses several challenges specific to metagenomic data, including the high level of sparsity due to insufficient sequence coverage, and provides accurate and robust estimates of the differential abundance of organisms across microbiome samples.

The article additional information is available at, and the software package can be downloaded from

CBCB involved in new Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science (TCORS)

Sep 19, 2013

The University of Maryland has been awarded by the Federal Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health an approximately $19 million dollar award to create a new University of Maryland Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science (UM TCORS). This Center will be one of 14 centers nationwide that will provide the FDA with scientific support for its regulation of tobacco products. CBCB faculty Mihai Pop together with UMIACS director Amitabh Varshney will help manage and analyze the vast amounts of data generated in this project by their colleagues in the UM School of Public Health, UM School of Medicine, George Mason University, and Battelle.

For more information about this project see:

Zia Khan and colleagues publish Science paper on the evolution of protein expression

Nov 29, 2013

CBCB faculty Zia Khan is the first author on a new study appearing in the journal Science. Prof. Khan's work, performed in his prior position at the University of Chicago, demonstrates that protein levels are more strongly conserved during evolution than the levels of the transcripts from which these proteins are translated. While this observation makes sense - proteins are the workhorse in cells and their levels must be tightly controlled - Prof. Khan's work is the first to disentangle the experimental noise from biological signal, thereby conclusively demonstrating this effect. A more detailed perspective on this study, written by Christine Vogel appeared in the same Science issue under the title Protein Expression Under Pressure .

Eytan Ruppin Named CBCB Director

Jul 29, 2013

Dr. Ruppin will become Director in July 2014. He is currently a professor in the Schools of Computer Science and Medicine at Tel-Aviv University.

Zia Khan Joins CBCB Faculty

Tue Jul 09, 2013

Zia Khan will be joining as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, UMIACS, and the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CBCB) in December of 2013. Read more

CBCB Announces Illumina Support for Summer Internship Program

Mon May 05, 2014

The Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CBCB) today announced that Illumina will provide financial support to its summer internship program (

The goal of the summer internship program is to provide hands-on research experience in bioinformatics to talented undergraduate students as part of ongoing research projects within the CBCB. The program involves full-time research in addition to the expectation for students to participate in broader research activities at CBCB. At the conclusion of the summer internship, each student prepares a report outlining the results of the project and gives a presentation at the center’s “Research in Progress” series describing their work, thus additionally helping students improve their presentation skills.

We are especially proud to announce that one of our interns from 2013 – Emily Jones, won the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship award, based on her summer project, which was in part supported by Illumina. See ( for the full story.

“We are thrilled to have Illumina’s conitued support for this important program,” said Dr. Sridhar Hannenhalli, Director of the CBCB summer internship program. “Not only will this provide unique exposure to the field of bioinformatics to talented undergraduates, it will also excite them about the unique career opportunities in this important field. We hope to expand this partnership in future.” added Dr. Hannenhalli.


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