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CBCB develops three new packages for the Bioconductor project

Apr 08, 2013

The Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CBCB) has developed three new packages for the Bioconductor project, a premier open-source software system for bioinformatics and computational biology.

'metagenomeSeq' contains tools for finding associations between microbial communities and clinical outcomes in large metagenomic surveys. It was developed as a collaboration between Mihai Pop's and Hector Corrada Bravo's labs at CBCB.

The other two packages - 'antiProfiles' for creating accurate and robust gene expression signatures in cancer and 'bumphunter' for the discovery of spatial genomic features from high-throughput data - were developed by Hector Corrada Bravo in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health.

Hector Corrada Bravo and collaborators released healthvis this week.

Mar 28, 2013

Hector Corrada Bravo and collaborators released healthvis this week. The latest version of the Bioconductor project, the premier open-source software system for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology tools, was released in April. This version includes three new packages developed at CBCB. metagenomeSeq contains tools for finding associations between microbial communities and clinical outcomes in large metagenomic surveys and was developed as a collaboration of the Pop and Corrada Bravo labs at CBCB. The other two packages are 'antiProfiles' for creating accurate and robust gene expression signatures in cancer and 'bumphunter' for the discovery of spatial genomic features from high-throughput data. The latter two were developed by the Corrada Bravo lab in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. View at:

Lise Getoor Gives Tutorial at NIPS

Feb 11, 2013

Lise Getoor (CBCB Affiliate Faculty) gave an invited tutorial on December 3, 2012 at The Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Foundation, a top-tier machine learning conference. There were over 400 attendees present.

Michael Cummings and team publish results of study with drug resistant malaria

Thu Jan 17, 2013

Dr. Michael Cummings and an international team, including collaborators at the University of Maryland at Baltimore, have published results of a large clinical and genetic study that identified genetic loci associated with drug resistant malaria parasites in several countries in Southeast Asia.
Read the paper at PNAS Early Edition

New metagenomic assembler published by CBCB scientists

Jan 15, 2013

A paper describing the metAMOS software, a new metagenomic assembly and analysis pipeline, has appeared in the journal Genome Biology. This project, initiated in Dr. Mihai Pop's lab, was led by Dr. Todd Treangen, a former postdoctoral fellow in our center, and currently a researcher at NBACC in Frederick, Maryland. The research team includes a number of current and former members of the CBCB as well as other collaborators from NBACC and the University of California, Davis.

The AMOS software can be downloaded from:
The open-access paper describing the software is available at

Rita Colwell was featured in Earthzine, November 28

Dec 03, 2012

Rita Colwell ((UMIACS and Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology) was featured in Earthzine, November 28, particularly her research studying Vibrio cholera.
link to article

CBCB Presents Lecture by Dr. Daniel Huson, November 28, 2012

Nov 26, 2012

Prof. Dr. Daniel Huson
Center for Bioinformatics
University of Tuebingen

Topic: Computational analysis of metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data using MEGAN

Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Time: 2pm
Location: Room 3118, Biomolecular Sciences Building


Metagenomic sequencing is currently a hot topic in biology and medicine. As the number and size of sequencing datasets continue to grow, there is a need for continued improvement of the bioinformatics tools that are used to process and analyze such datasets.

Over the last eight years, we have continuously worked on the development of such tools and our main contribution is the program MEGAN, a metagenome analyzer, that can be used to perform both functional and taxonomic analysis of metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data, on the scale of hundreds of millions of reads. After an introduction to the area of metagenomics, we will present some of the features of MEGAN, will discuss some metagenome projects that we are currently involved in and then will give a outlook on some new developments.

CBCB presents seminar by Dr. Daniel Huson Nov 28, 2012

Prof. Dr. Daniel Huson
Center for Bioinformatics
University of Tuebingen

Topic: Computational analysis of metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data using MEGAN

Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Time: 2pm
Location: Room 3118, Biomolecular Sciences Building


Metagenomic sequencing is currently a hot topic in biology and medicine. As the number and size of sequencing datasets continue to grow, there is a need for continued improvement of the bioinformatics tools that are used to process and analyze such datasets.

Over the last eight years, we have continuously worked on the development of such tools and our main contribution is the program MEGAN, a metagenome analyzer, that can be used to perform both functional and taxonomic analysis of metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data, on the scale of hundreds of millions of reads. After an introduction to the area of metagenomics, we will present some of the features of MEGAN, will discuss some metagenome projects that we are currently involved in and then will give a outlook on some new developments.

CBCB Students Win Best "KDD-Madness" Video Contest

Aug 20, 2012

CBCB Ph.D. students Rob Patro, Geet Duggal, Emre Sefer, Hao Wang, and Darya Filippova won the award for best 30-second "KDD-Madness" video for their video promoting their paper "The Missing Models: A Data-Driven Approach for Learning How Networks Grow" at the recent KDD 2012 conference.

The goal of these videos is to "advertise your paper and your talk to attract more people to your session and your poster."

Watch the winning video here: Video

Sridhar Hannenhalli named Interim Director of CBCB

Sun Jul 01, 2012

Sridhar Hannenhalli named Interim Director of CBCB: Sridhar Hannenhalli is named as the Interim Director of Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology for the coming year. Sridhar is a prominent computational biologist with extensive experience in the computational biology industry (Glaxo Smith-Kline and Celera Genomics) and academia (University of Southern California, Penn State, and U Penn) before coming to Maryland in 2010. Sridhar has been making important and creative contributions from the very beginning of his scientific career, including the development of what is now widely known as the Hannenhalli-Pevzner theory in the study of genomic rearrangements. In the last few years Sridhar has chosen to move even deeper into biological questions, becoming a leader in the important field of transcriptional regulation by using computational modeling and comparative genomics to characterize regulatory sites and regulatory networks.


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