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Cummings Receives NSF Funding to Improve Analyses of COVID-19 Genomic Data

Jun 01, 2020

A University of Maryland computational biologist has received funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop new tools and strategies for analyzing genomic data from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the strain of coronavirus responsible for COVID-19.

Michael Cummings, a professor of biology with an appointment in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) is primary investigator of the $188K award. The funding comes from the NSF Rapid Response Research initiative, which aims to mobilize the scientific community in response to the current pandemic.

A major goal of the project, Cummings says, is to accelerate the analyses of SARS-CoV-2 genomic data needed by scientists and public health officials battling the virus. “Evolutionary analyses using genomic data are an essential component of the scientific response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” he says.

Inferring the evolutionary history, or phylogeny, of virus samples—coupled with information on the time and location of where the samples originated—allows scientists to estimate the divergence of viral lineages, Cummings says. These types of analyses can provide time estimates that predate sampling events, meaning that public health officials could ostensibly predict where and when certain strains of SARS-CoV-2 could pop up next, and whether a strain of the virus has mutated from its last outbreak.

But current methods of analyzing these samples takes time. Even with powerful advances in computing power over the last decade, the process can require up to 150 hours or more to complete.

Cummings, working closely with Daniel Ayers, an assistant research scientist in UMIACS, plans to develop new software and parallel computing algorithms that could help decrease this timeline considerably.

The Maryland researchers are also working to improve the phylogenetic analyses of a certain type, referred to as molecular phylodynamics, which includes not only evolutionary history but also information on viral genetic variation and viral population dynamics—again all in the context of geography and time.

Phylodynamic analyses are particularly rich in terms of inferences, albeit at a considerable computational cost, Cummings says.

Ultimately, the research by Cummings and Ayers will offer a more comprehensive view of the transmission patterns for SARS-CoV-2. This includes defining patterns of SARS-CoV-2 movement and migration; identifying the specific timeline of an outbreak origin; determining the rate of mutation and detection of significant mutations with the resultant health impacts; identifying the prevalence of the virus in populations at different geographical scales; reproductive number and impact on policy; and infection-to-case reporting rates.

To increase the speed at which samples are sequenced and also to improve accuracy and decrease cost, Cummings and Ayers plan to work with others to develop more efficient parallel computing strategies and software, taking advantage of NSF-supported high-end computational resources at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, San Diego Supercomputing Center, and the Texas Advanced Computing Center.

They will also rely upon open-source software they developed—known as BEAGLE, for Broad-platform Evolutionary Analysis General Likelihood Evaluator—that has become an essential component in the software workflow of many scientists studying the evolutionary history of organisms, including the viruses that cause AIDS, influenza and Ebola.

“BEAGLE is used in a variety of studies that contribute to our understanding of evolution and biology, which can have a role in informing decision-making,” Ayres says. “Now there are dozens, if not hundreds, of scientists worldwide using BEAGLE to better understand SARS-CoV-2.”

Though Cummings has been active with research for more than a decade on other serious public health issues, the speed and strength by which the current COVID-19 pandemic has spread has given him pause for thought, and also bolstered his resolve to help find answers.

“Science is a privilege, and we are given multiple opportunities to give back—we write papers and we educate students,” he says. “But now there is an opportunity to use the ideas and tools we’ve been working on for quite a while to have a positive impact on the current crisis. It gives us the incentive to work as hard as we possibly can.”

—Story by Tom Ventsias

Five UMIACS Faculty Receive Academic Promotions

May 29, 2020

In recognition of their continued excellence in research, scholarship and service, five faculty members in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) have received academic promotions from their respective departments.

Marine Carpuat (computer science), Vanessa Frias-Martinez (iSchool), Michelle Mazurek (computer science), Rob Patro (computer science), and Dana Dachman-Soled (electrical and computer engineering) have each been promoted from assistant professor to associate professor with tenure.

The academic promotions for Carpuat, Mazurek, Patro and Dachman-Soled are effective on July 1; the promotion for Frias-Martinez takes place in August.

“Marine, Vanessa, Michelle, Rob and Dana are all known for their outstanding research and strong commitment toward educating and mentoring students. They are a tremendous asset to our institute, their home departments, and the university as a whole,” says Mihai Pop, professor of computer science and director of UMIACS.

Carpuat’s research in the Computational Linguistics and Information Processing (CLIP) Lab focuses on multilingual natural language processing and statistical machine translation. She designs computational models that use second languages as meaningful annotation to make language processing applications more accurate, robust and useful.

Frias-Martinez is also a member of the CLIP Lab and does the majority of her research in her own Urban Computing Lab. The focus of her work is on building mathematical models that explain human behavior. This includes examining human interaction with the built-in environment in cities, and how those interactions might change due to events like natural disasters, economic crises or forced migrations.

Patro’s research in the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CBCB) focuses on the design of algorithms and data structures for processing, organizing, indexing and querying high-throughput genomics data. His interests also extend to programming languages, computer graphics, scientific visualization, parallel computation and machine learning.

Both Mazurek and Dachman-Soled are core faculty members in the Maryland Cybersecurity Center (MC2).

Mazurek’s research focuses on human-centered computer security, understanding and influencing security and privacy behaviors and preferences by collecting real data from real users. Her recent work includes making security easier for professionals such as system administrators and software developers, understanding how and why end-users learn and apply security behaviors, and investigating adoption of end-to-end encrypted messaging.

Dachman-Soled research involves cryptography, complexity theory and security. This includes security against physical attacks, post-quantum cryptography, secure multiparty computation, and black-box complexity. Her research also extends to property testing of Boolean functions and cryptographic hardness of learning.

UMIACS Faculty Adapting to Online-Only Research Activities During COVID-19 Crisis

Apr 28, 2020

The normal whirlwind of hands-on research activity inside the Brendan Iribe Center for Computer Science and Engineering has come to a screeching halt.

The 215,000-square-foot-facility—home to the Department of Computer Science and the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS)—is empty these days, the result of severe research restrictions that have barred access to the Maryland campus for all but a handful of essential personnel.

While computer science faculty are busy teaching online during the current COVID-19 health crisis, UMIACS researchers—80-plus faculty from eight departments and almost 200 graduate students—are also using online resources to advance research in robotics, computational biology, cybersecurity, and more.

Cornelia Fermüller (right in photo), an associate research scientist in UMIACS, says the biggest challenge for her team has been losing access to specialized hardware in their robotics lab.

Fermüller says her students continue working on their ongoing projects, but that many wish to be back in the lab, “getting their hands on the data and running experiments with the robots in real time.”

An example of her team’s current workaround model involves a robotic hand used to explore how tactile sensing works in active tasks like grasping, pushing and pulling. Without access to their lab that houses a robotic arm they use, the researchers are relegated to analyzing previously collected sensor data and developing models and algorithms in order to understand the robot’s hand movements.

“We’re looking at the sensor characteristics, and modeling the relationship between forces applied to the tactile sensor and its readings,” Fermüller says. “We’re also investigating how to robustly process the tactile data from the sensors in an event-based way.”

Tudor Dumitraș, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering in the Maryland Cybersecurity Center, says the shift to an all-online environment has made parts of the research process more challenging for his team.

“While we can run the same experiments that we were running before, the disruption has been dramatic, owing to the challenges for teamwork raised by the online environment,” Dumitraș says. “I've significantly lowered my expectations for my group's research productivity this year, and I am very impressed that some of my students are able to stay motivated and can continue making progress.”

Moreover, his team often requires large-scale computational resources to run their analyses, which might become more difficult as a result of the restrictions.

“Normally, the UMIACS tech staff can meet our requirements quickly, but with the restricted access, if we request that new equipment be installed or current equipment upgraded, it may take them a bit longer,” Dumitraș says.

He called this a minor issue, however, saying his group is more concerned with the loss of regular in-person meetings—a “key part of the process” for their research projects.

“Each one of us can bring a new perspective to a problem, so it’s important for us to interact on a regular basis,” Dumitraș says. “This type of brainstorming is much harder to replicate online, although we’re trying.”

The research restrictions have also put a hold on a summer research internship program that Dumitraș has run for the past three years. The program brings up to a dozen top undergraduates from universities overseas, focusing on underrepresented groups like female researchers and students from universities in Eastern Europe.

“The process of preparing those [summer] research projects is a key part of training for my current graduate students, because they have to formulate a project and supervise the interns once they’re here,” Dumitraș says. “The internship program is also a good pipeline for getting top-notch students to apply here for graduate school, and it was a lot of fun.”

Mihai Pop, a professor of computer science and the director of UMIACS, says the loss of onsite access for his lab’s workgroup hasn’t deterred their passion for using computational biology to explore the genetic makeup of microbial communities.

“Most of our work essentially is just sitting on a computer doing analyses of genetic data,” says Pop.

Still, Pop echoes Dumitraș in saying that what has been most taxing is the loss of personal connections.

“The main thing that’s lost is the interaction and being able to just walk up to somebody’s desk and bounce ideas off of them,” Pop says. “Those kinds of informal, personal interactions do add a lot to the graduate student experience, and we’ll work hard to rebuild those activities once we’re back on campus.”

—Story by Colleen Curran

UMIACS Faculty Secure Funding for Projects Combining AI and Medicine

Apr 22, 2020

Three faculty members in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) have received funding to jumpstart research that combines powerful artificial intelligence tools with medical expertise in areas like aging, traumatic brain injury, mental illness, and more.

Michael Cummings, a professor of biology and director of the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Philip Resnik, a professor of linguistics, and John Dickerson, an assistant professor of computer science, are involved with two of the four projects recently funded under a new initiative known as AI + Medicine for High Impact (AIM-HI).

The program—which joins faculty from the University of Maryland, College Park, with medical experts at the University of Maryland, Baltimore—provides up to $200K per year for each project, for a maximum of three years.

Officials hope that these cross-institutional efforts will lead to lead to scientific breakthroughs with the potential to secure larger federal awards as the research progresses.

“There is tremendous promise in each of the awards to attract additional external funding while making an impact to the state and region,” says Eric Chapman, the associate vice president for research development at the University of Maryland, College Park. “By leveraging our complementary cross-campus expertise, the state of Maryland will be able to tackle major health issues of societal importance.”

Cummings will work with experts in pharmaceutical sciences and anesthesiology at UMB to study aging and traumatic brain injury in mice. The researchers will develop an analytical framework to identify predictive functional relationships between changes in different metabolic parameters during aging.

The ultimate goal, Cummings says, is to generate testable hypotheses about mechanisms contributing to aging under both normal and disease conditions, which could lead to identification of appropriate interventions.

The researchers hope to transfer their initial findings to similar conditions seen in humans, which might eventually contribute toward treatments for age-related diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Resnik and Dickerson are partnering with Carol Espy-Wilson, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at UMD, and psychiatric experts at the School of Medicine in Baltimore lead by professor Deanna Kelly. The group is developing machine learning algorithms that can help assess mental illness online.

The goal of the project, Resnik says, is to establish a novel technological framework that integrates speech, video and text analysis in order to identify, assess and prioritize at-risk individuals.

The team’s initial research will focus on schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, and suicidal behaviors, but ultimately, they aim to develop a framework that can be broadly applied in other areas of healthcare.

Story by Maria Herd

UMD Part of $10M NSF Expeditions in Computing Award to Develop Strategies to Thwart Disease Outbreaks

Apr 23, 2020

University of Maryland computing experts are partnering with a consortium of scientists from across the U.S. to deploy the latest advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, supercomputing and social science data against epidemic outbreaks.

Funded by a $10 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the researchers are using these powerful technologies and tools to explore trends in globalization, anti-microbial resistance, urbanization and ecological pressures—factors that have converged to increase the risk of global pandemics like the COVID-19 crisis now wreaking havoc on populations and economies worldwide.

Professor Aravind Srinivasan, Distinguished University Professor Rita Colwell and Assistant Professor Abhinav Bhatele join faculty from 10 other universities on the Global Pervasive Computational Epidemiology project, which includes researchers from Princeton University, Yale University, Stanford University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Virginia, which is leading the multidisciplinary effort.

All three Maryland faculty have appointments in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies.

While the concept of using modern technology to address the spread of global disease is not new, NSF officials said the launch last month of this project could not have come at a more opportune time.

“We are currently experiencing unprecedented access to massive data, powerful advanced computing capabilities, and models and simulations that can capture the complexity of viruses and associated diseases in ways that weren’t possible as recently as a decade ago,” said Mitra Basu, who leads the NSF’s Expeditions in Computing Program that provided funding for the five-year project. “Together with the incredible number of researchers who have turned their attention to COVID-19 and pandemics more generally, we are likely witnessing transformational efforts that can help with the current crisis, and allow us to be much better equipped for the next pandemic.”

Srinivasan is leading the computational foundations part of the project. Key to this work, he said, is the development of new machine learning algorithms that can interpret large amounts of data from multiple sources over multiple networks. This could include climate data interspersed with disease vector factors—how a virus spreads over time and distance—which is then compiled with the demographics of people who have tested positive for the virus.

The technology can also be used for interpreting dense social-contact networks—a complex “who knows who” pyramid that often determines how far and fast a virus will spread.

“Artificial intelligence and machine learning can play a role when we’re only able to collect fairly sparse real-time data,” Srinivasan said. “Using this limited data, we can build models of where and when we see infections spreading the most, allowing public health experts to make intelligent predictions of what to do tomorrow and the day after.”

These machine learning models can be especially important for policymakers, Srinivasan added, who will need to separate valid information from misinformation regarding the size and scope of a pandemic.

Colwell, who has spent much of her career using technology to combat waterborne diseases like cholera, is expected to work closely with other scientists on the effects that climate may have on the spread of viruses. She will also offer public policy advice, working with researchers at the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy, a public health organization located in Washington, D.C.

Srinivasan said that both he and Bhatele will collaborate with other scientists on tasks that require high-performance computing for large-scale simulations. This could include “percolation properties” of how a disease might spread through the air, taking into account multiple factors like climate, urban environments and social demographics.

Government supercomputers located at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee will assist with these simulations, Srinivasan said.

He said he was “humbled” to be one of the thousands of scientists worldwide thrust into the fight against a gobal pandemic just as the NSF project—under development well before COVID-19 was identified—was getting started.

“We expect that our work can have an immediate impact, but are also aware that the computational tools and policies we develop now can have an effect on future events like this,” he said. “That’s what's driving much of our efforts now—preparing for the future.”

—Story by Tom Ventsias

Two CBCB Graduate Students Receive NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

Apr 10, 2020

Two graduate students in the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology have been awarded prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) fellowships.

The fellowships, which offer a three-year annual stipend as well as a tuition allowance, are awarded to outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited U.S. institutions.

Jason Fan and Nicholas Franzese are among the 2,000-plus students to receive the fellowship this year.

Both second-year doctoral students in computer science, they are advised by Max Leiserson, an assistant professor of computer science who has an appointment in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies.

“Jason and Nick are both very well deserving of this recognition,” Leiserson says. “Jason is an exceptionally versatile researcher, and a talented teacher and mentor. Nick is a deeply insightful and independent researcher, and a gifted writer.”

Fan, who graduated with an undergraduate degree in computer science and mathematics from Tufts University, is interested in developing algorithms to understand disease models and cancer with biological networks. Currently, he is researching algorithms that learn representations and make predictions across multiple biological networks from different species.

Franzese, who graduated with an undergraduate degree in mathematics and biology from Reed College, says his research interests are tied together by a common theme: modeling that aligns powerful computational methods with intuitive biological narratives. His current research applies probabilistic graphical models to cancer data.

“I’m happy to see our students honored with prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowships that acknowledge their hard work in their research endeavors and in the classroom,” says Amitabh Varshney, professor and dean of UMD’s College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences.

—Story by Melissa Brachfeld

Pop Receives $2.6M NIH Grant to Develop Computational Tools for Metagenomic Analyses

Feb 06, 2020

Mihai Pop, a professor of computer science and director of the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS), was recently awarded a $2.6 million federal grant to develop a suite of computational tools for reconstructing DNA segments.

The four-year award comes from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is part of the National Institutes of Health. The money supports efforts to build software and develop algorithms that can reconstruct nearly-complete microbial genomes from complex mixtures found in environments like the human gut. Ultimately, researchers say, this will help scientists better understand the role that certain microbes have in human health and disease.

Pop (left in photo) is principal investigator of the project, and will be assisted by postdocs and graduate students in the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CBCB), as well as software experts in the Fraunhofer USA Center for Experimental Software Engineering.

“We want our software to be well-written and usable by biologists across many different computing platforms, so Fraunhofer will help us greatly with that software engineering aspect,” Pop says.

Recent years have seen a “metagenomic revolution” made possible by rapid advances in sequencing technologies, explains Pop. Metagenomics involves the application of bioinformatics tools to study the genetic material from environmental, uncultured microorganisms.

To date, hundreds and possibly thousands of microbial communities have been characterized through deep sequencing, complementing the wealth of data that has already been generated through the targeted sequencing of individual genes.

These studies have started to shed light on the broad functional potential of microbial communities, Pop adds, even though the individual microbes cannot be easily isolated and analyzed in the laboratory.

But despite these advances, relatively few genome sequences have been generated through metagenomic methods. Even those sequences have had a limited impact on the scientific community due to concerns about the quality of reconstruction and inability to assign taxonomic labels to sequences not derived from isolated genomes.

“We want to better understand processes that usually can’t be seen until the bacteria is isolated,” Pop says. For example, he asks, “What if you have two different strains of E.coli in your gut, what is the difference between them, and why does that variance matter?”

In some of the samples his group has been looking at, certain bacteria have acquired antibiotic-resistance genes. This can turn some bacteria into harmful entities, even though they normally wouldn’t be. The software suite Pop’s team is developing will hopefully offer insight into this phenomenon.

“Just being able to generate more data to better understand how bacteria react to each other is a large part of the project,” says Jaquelyn Meisel (right in photo), a postdoctoral associate in CBCB.

“We might be able to identify that this patient has a resistant bacterium that came from some other bacteria that the patient has, or maybe it’s environmental,” Meisel explains. “Once you’re able to track variance, you might be able to say, ‘well I saw this variance somewhere else and now I see it here.’”

Looking ahead, Pop and his team see their work as an important step in helping other scientists and clinicians determine how both good and bad bacteria move through environments, inside and outside of the human body.

“In a cultural context, we want to know when antibiotic-resistant genes get into the food stream,” Pop says. “We know that if you feed animals antibiotics, eventually you see the same bacterium in humans with that resistance. But we don’t have a very clear path of transmission. These tools will hopefully start developing that chain of transmission.”

—Story by Maria Herd

Research by Colwell Sheds New Light on Flesh-Eating Bacteria

Nov 13, 2019

This story was originally published in Maryland Today.

A few years ago, a patient fell into a body of freshwater, gashed a leg on a rock and developed a quickly spreading infection that began eating into flesh, a condition known as necrotizing fasciitis. Unable to bring the disease under control any other way, doctors took drastic measures, and the patient (whose personal details can’t be disclosed) suffered a quadruple amputation.

Although the infection was originally diagnosed as the work of a single microbe, a new study of the case by a team of scientists that included Distinguished University Professor Rita Colwell used genetic analysis to reveal how two different strains of a single species of flesh-eating bacteria worked in concert to become more dangerous than either strain alone.

The study, which could lead to better medical care for patients with multi-microbial flesh-eating infections, was published on November 12 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“When we treat with a given antibiotic, we’re clearing an organism out of the body,” said Colwell, an expert of global stature on infectious diseases who holds appointments in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) and at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. “But if there’s another organism that’s participating in the infection and that’s also pathogenic, then any antibiotic treatment that doesn’t also target that organism may just be clearing ground for it to grow like crazy.”

Traditional diagnostics could only determine that the patient’s infection was caused by a single species of bacteria called Aeromonas hydrophila. But the disease baffled clinicians when it rapidly turned life-threatening. Through genetic analysis of the culture, Colwell and her team discovered important differences among the individual bacterial cultures that could not be detected through standard diagnostic methods.

In addition to Colwell, Nur A. Hasan, an adjunct associate professor in UMIACS, is a co-author on the paper. He as the chief science officer for CosmosID Inc., a company that Colwell founded and chairs, and which performed metagenomic analysis for this study. The team also included co-authors from the University of Texas Medical Branch.

Both Colwell and Hasan are part of the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, one of seven major centers in UMIACS.

In two previous papers, Colwell and her colleagues isolated and identified two genetically distinct strains of the bacteria that combined to cause necrotizing fasciitis. In the current study, the researchers manipulated the genetic components of each strain. When they swapped the genetic components that varied between the strains, the team was able to make them behave similarly. By testing the mutant strains in mice, the team determined how the genetic variations affected each strain’s ability to cause infection and interact with the other strain.

The three studies combined paint a clear picture of how the strains, labeled NF1 and NF2, behave both in separate infections and when combined. In single-strain infections, NF1 remains localized, does not spread to the bloodstream or organs and is cleared by the host immune system. NF2, however, produces a toxin that breaks down muscle tissue and allows it to spread to the bloodstream or organs.

When the strains occur together, the story is reversed. In multi-strain infections, the toxin produced by NF2 breaks down the muscle tissue and enables NF1 to travel to the bloodstream or organs where it becomes deadly.

“We’re excited by this very elegant detective work,” Colwell said. “We now have the ability through metagenomics to determine the individual infectious agents involved in polymicrobial infections. With these powerful new methods we can determine how microbes work together, whether they’re bacteria, viruses or parasites.”

—Story by Kimbra Cutlip

Colwell Reflects on Global Water Issues

Nov 04, 2019

Rita Colwell, a Distinguished University Professor in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, recently gave the keynote address at a campus forum discussing the health of the Chesapeake Bay.

“Ensuring a Clean and Healthy Chesapeake Bay” featured experts on storm water management, water use and reuse, the bay’s aquatic life, and more.

Before speaking at the forum, Colwell sat for an interview with Samantha Watters, assistant director of communications for the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources.

Q: What do you see as the biggest challenges facing humanity today and how have they helped advance your thinking and professional pursuits?

A: The biggest challenge is water, it really is. Right now, we are fighting over oil, but we’ve already got fights going on over water, who gets to use it, and this clearly is an agricultural problem. It’s a negotiation that has to be done between community use, agricultural use, and water recycling that is necessary for sustainability. It’s a tradeoff between water for drinking, domestic use, agricultural application, industry, recreation, you name it. And the assumption is that since 70 percent of the earth is covered with oceans, we must have plenty of water, but that water isn’t really available. Also, the tragedy of dealing with climate change means the glaciers are melting, and it’s a real problem because these glaciers feed freshwater drinking systems. We are going to be seeing huge climate change migrations away from areas drastically affected, and exacerbation of political problems that are all intertwined and connected by water.

Q: How does interdisciplinary science enter into solving these global issues?

A: Science has done a great job over the years tackling issues of reductionism—reducing problems to the molecular level, the galaxy level, and so on. But now, to solve the issues our planet is facing, we will need to be thinking at a much more holistic level. And agriculture is a prime example of the necessity of integration—it is a very complex system. The issues are complex, but they are solvable, and collaboration and machine learning can help us get there. It will be interesting to see what can come out of the analysis of interdisciplinary work across all these systems with the rise of big data approaches. Agriculture has the challenge of maintaining the small farm while figuring out how to feed the expanding population. It’s a problem that is an aspect of the global world and crossing disciplines and data integration is the only way.

Q: In what ways do you feel that current and future water scientists can make an impact in a changing world, with a changing climate and changing priorities?

A: It’s not how or when, they just have to. It’s a sheer necessity. It’s not just knowing how much and where, but it’s how to allocate usage of water and how to share with competing priorities. The focus should really be on recycling processes to protect and reuse our water. We can apply biotechnology to our sewage treatment systems to not only clean the water but produce enough power through bioreactors to heat and light cities. We have to go forward to figure out how to apply the sciences of computation agriculture, water reuse, recycling, and engineering to integrate these systems in daily life. Ensuring water systems and a clean and healthy Chesapeake Bay is far more complicated than just making sure you can see the bottom. It’s understanding that the Chesapeake Bay is a prime example of a resource that has to be protected and used in a sustainable way. It’s the only one we’ve got, and the history of the Bay and the resources are well worth protecting.

Q: What advice would you give the next generation of young scientists, policy makers, economists, and leaders hoping to make a difference in water quality and environmental stewardship?

A: The career you’ve planned is going to change many times, and you will have to constantly be relearning. You have to follow your interests—if you don’t really like what you’re doing, you won’t persevere. Also, it’s kind of a shame to be totally focused as a freshman and not sample other disciplines. Literature and art are sources of creativity as well as sources of satisfaction and stress release, and it makes you a stronger scientist. It’s a huge richness of the human spirit and human knowledge. For me, it gets a bit worrisome when a university experience becomes a training center rather than a learning center. You really have to develop the skills to be innovative and flexible in your studies and to keep an open mind in your career. The nature of life is change and thinking broadly keeps you receptive as a scientist and human being to new ideas.

Q: When you look back on such a decorated career, what have been your proudest moments and why?

A: My proudest moments are my two children and my grandchildren. I’ve been very fortunate that I was married to my husband, who was a physicist, for 62 years. And my two daughters are scientists, a botanist and a pediatrician. And the University of Maryland has been very good to me. I’ve loved being here. It’s a very progressive state and university. I’ve been able to do a lot of things here that I wouldn’t have necessarily been able to do in another institution.

CBCB Graduate Student Receives 2019 Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award

Tue Jul 23, 2019

Brian Brubach, a graduating computer science doctoral student working in the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CBCB), is the recipient of the 2019 Graduate School Outstanding Graduate Assistant (GA) Award.

This award recognizes the “outstanding contributions that these GAs provide to students, faculty, departments, administrative units, and the University as a whole.”

He is also a 2019 finalist for the UMD Graduate Student Distinguished Service Award, which celebrates graduate students who have made outstanding contributions to the University community in the areas of service, involvement, leadership and scholarship.

Brubach’s research interests include algorithms and theoretical computer science, bioinformatics, e-commerce, and fairness in machine learning.

He is co-advised by Aravind Srinivasan, a professor of computer science with an appointment in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS), and Mihai Pop, a professor of computer science and director of UMIACS.


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