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Patro R., Ip CYiu, Bista S., Cho S.S, Thirumalai D., Varshney A.  2011.  MDMap: A system for data-driven layout and exploration of molecular dynamics simulations. Biological Data Visualization (BioVis), 2011 IEEE Symposium on.
Hasan NA, W. Chowdhury B, Rahim N, Sultana M, S. Shabnam A, Mai V, Ali A, Morris GJ, R. Sack B, Huq A et al..  2011.  Metagenomic 16S rDNA Targeted PCR-DGGE in Determining Bacterial Diversity in Aquatic Ecosystem. Bangladesh Journal of MicrobiologyBangladesh Journal of Microbiology. 27
Liu B, Pop M..  2011.  MetaPath: identifying differentially abundant metabolic pathways in metagenomic datasets. BMC ProceedingsBMC Proceedings. 5
Rivas A, Boahene KD, Bravo HCorrada, Tan M, Tamargo RJ, Francis HW.  2011.  A Model for Early Prediction of Facial Nerve Recovery After Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery. Otology & Neurotology. 32(5):826-833.
Treangen T, Sommer D.D, Angly F.E, Koren S., Pop M..  2011.  Next Generation Sequence Assembly with AMOS. Current Protocols in BioinformaticsCurrent Protocols in Bioinformatics. 11
De Magny GConstantin, Mozumder PK, Grim CJ, Hasan NA, M. Naser N, Alam M, Sack B, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2011.  Population Dynamics of Vibrio Cholerae and Cholera in the Bangladesh Sundarbans: Role of Zooplankton Diversity. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol..
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Basu MK, Selengut J., Haft DH.  2011.  ProPhylo: partial phylogenetic profiling to guide protein family construction and assignment of biological process. BMC bioinformaticsBMC Bioinformatics. 12
Basu MK, Selengut JD, Haft DH.  2011.  ProPhylo: partial phylogenetic profiling to guide protein family construction and assignment of biological process.. BMC Bioinformatics. 12:434.
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Treangen T, Salzberg SL.  2011.  Repetitive DNA and next-generation sequencing: computational challenges and solutions. Nature Reviews Genetics.
Maximo A., Patro R., Varshney A, Farias R..  2011.  A robust and rotationally invariant local surface descriptor with applications to non-local mesh processing. Graphical ModelsGraphical Models. 73
De Magny GConstantin, Mozumder PK, Grim CJ, Hasan NA, M. Naser N, Alam M, R. Sack B, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2011.  Role of Zooplankton Diversity in Vibrio Cholerae Population Dynamics and in the Incidence of Cholera in the Bangladesh Sundarbans. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 77
Patro R., Ip CYiu, Bista S., Varshney A.  2011.  Social Snapshot: A System for Temporally Coupled Social Photography. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEEComputer Graphics and Applications, IEEE. 31
Lopez J.V, Ledger A., Santiago-Vázquez L.Z, Pop M., Sommer D.D, Ranzer L.K, Feldman R.A, Russell G.K.  2011.  Suppression subtractive hybridization PCR isolation of cDNAs from a Caribbean soft coral. Electronic Journal of BiotechnologyElectronic Journal of Biotechnology. 14
Kimes NE, Grim CJ, Johnson WR, Hasan NA, Tall BD, Kothary MH, Kiss H, A. Munk C, Tapia R, Green L et al..  2011.  Temperature regulation of virulence factors in the pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus. The ISME JournalThe ISME journal. 6
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Filho JEMartine, Lopes RM, Rivera ING, Colwell RR.  2011.  Vibrio Cholerae O1 Detection in Estuarine and Coastal Zooplankton. Journal of Plankton ResearchJ. Plankton Res.Journal of Plankton ResearchJ. Plankton Res.. 33
Jutla AS, Akanda AS, Griffiths JK, Colwell RR, Islam S.  2011.  Warming Oceans, Phytoplankton, and River Discharge: Implications for Cholera Outbreaks. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and HygieneAm J Trop Med HygThe American Journal of Tropical Medicine and HygieneAm J Trop Med Hyg. 85
Lin H.C, Goldstein S., Mendelowitz L., Zhou S., Wetzel J., Schwartz D.C, Pop M..  2012.  AGORA: Assembly Guided by Optical Restriction Alignment. BMC bioinformaticsBMC Bioinformatics. 13
Haft DH, Payne SH, Selengut J..  2012.  Archaeosortases and exosortases are widely distributed systems linking membrane transit with posttranslational modification. Journal of bacteriologyJournal of bacteriology. 194
Haft DH, Payne SH, Selengut JD.  2012.  Archaeosortases and exosortases are widely distributed systems linking membrane transit with posttranslational modification.. J Bacteriol. 194(1):36-48.
Lee S.H, Kalejta R.F, Kerry J., Semmes O.J, O'Connor C.M, Khan Z., Garcia B.A, Shenk T., Murphy E..  2012.  BclAF1 restriction factor is neutralized by proteasomal degradation and microRNA repression during human cytomegalovirus infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109(24):9575-9580.
Lee S.H, Kalejta R.F, Kerry J., Semmes O.J, O'Connor C.M, Khan Z., Garcia B.A, Shenk T., Murphy E..  2012.  BclAF1 restriction factor is neutralized by proteasomal degradation and microRNA repression during human cytomegalovirus infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109(24):9575-9580.
Lee SHee, Kalejta RF, Kerry J, Semmes OJohn, O'Connor CM, Khan Z, Garcia BA, Shenk T, Murphy E.  2012.  BclAF1 restriction factor is neutralized by proteasomal degradation and microRNA repression during human cytomegalovirus infection.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109(24):9575-80.
