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Journal Articles
Peisach E, Selengut J., Dunaway-Mariano D, Allen KN.  2004.  X-ray crystal structure of the hypothetical phosphotyrosine phosphatase MDP-1 of the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily. BiochemistryBiochemistry. 43
Istrail S., Sutton G.G, Florea L., Halpern A.L, Mobarry C.M, Lippert R., Walenz B., Shatkay H., Dew I., Miller J.R et al..  2004.  Whole-genome shotgun assembly and comparison of human genome assemblies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101
Joardar V, Lindeberg M, Jackson RW, Selengut J., Dodson R, Brinkac LM, Daugherty SC, Deboy R, A. Durkin S, Giglio MGwinn et al..  2005.  Whole-genome sequence analysis of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A reveals divergence among pathovars in genes involved in virulence and transposition. Journal of bacteriologyJournal of bacteriology. 187
Joardar V, Lindeberg M, Jackson RW, Selengut J., Dodson R, Brinkac LM, Daugherty SC, Deboy R, A. Durkin S, Giglio MGwinn et al..  2005.  Whole-genome sequence analysis of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A reveals divergence among pathovars in genes involved in virulence and transposition. Journal of bacteriologyJournal of bacteriology. 187
Joardar V, Lindeberg M, Jackson RW, Selengut J., Dodson R, Brinkac LM, Daugherty SC, Deboy R, A. Durkin S, Giglio MGwinn et al..  2005.  Whole-genome sequence analysis of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A reveals divergence among pathovars in genes involved in virulence and transposition. Journal of bacteriologyJournal of bacteriology. 187
Joardar V, Lindeberg M, Jackson RW, Selengut J., Dodson R, Brinkac LM, Daugherty SC, Deboy R, A. Durkin S, Giglio MGwinn et al..  2005.  Whole-genome sequence analysis of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A reveals divergence among pathovars in genes involved in virulence and transposition. Journal of bacteriologyJournal of bacteriology. 187
Joardar V, Lindeberg M, Jackson RW, Selengut J., Dodson R, Brinkac LM, Daugherty SC, Deboy R, A. Durkin S, Giglio MGwinn et al..  2005.  Whole-genome sequence analysis of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A reveals divergence among pathovars in genes involved in virulence and transposition. Journal of bacteriologyJournal of bacteriology. 187
Nelson KE, Fouts DE, Mongodin EF, Ravel J, DeBoy RT, Kolonay JF, Rasko DA, Angiuoli SV, Gill SR, Paulsen IT et al..  2004.  Whole genome comparisons of serotype 4b and 1/2a strains of the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes reveal new insights into the core genome components of this species. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 32
Nelson KE, Fouts DE, Mongodin EF, Ravel J, DeBoy RT, Kolonay JF, Rasko DA, Angiuoli SV, Gill SR, Paulsen IT et al..  2004.  Whole genome comparisons of serotype 4b and 1/2a strains of the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes reveal new insights into the core genome components of this species. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 32
Nelson KE, Fouts DE, Mongodin EF, Ravel J, DeBoy RT, Kolonay JF, Rasko DA, Angiuoli SV, Gill SR, Paulsen IT et al..  2004.  Whole genome comparisons of serotype 4b and 1/2a strains of the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes reveal new insights into the core genome components of this species. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 32
Nelson KE, Fouts DE, Mongodin EF, Ravel J, DeBoy RT, Kolonay JF, Rasko DA, Angiuoli SV, Gill SR, Paulsen IT et al..  2004.  Whole genome comparisons of serotype 4b and 1/2a strains of the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes reveal new insights into the core genome components of this species. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 32
Alam M, M. Islam T, Rashed SManzur, Johura F-T, Bhuiyan NA, Delgado G, Morales R, Mendez JLuis, Navarro A, Watanabe H et al..  2012.  Vibrio Cholerae Classical Biotype Strains Reveal Distinct Signatures in Mexico. Journal of Clinical MicrobiologyJ. Clin. Microbiol.Journal of Clinical MicrobiologyJ. Clin. Microbiol..
Kingsford C, Delcher A.L, Salzberg S.L.  2007.  A unified model explaining the offsets of overlapping and near-overlapping prokaryotic genes. Molecular biology and evolutionMolecular biology and evolution. 24
Bartholomeu DC, Silva RA, Galvão LMC, El‐Sayed NM, Donelson JE, Teixeira SMR.  2002.  Trypanosoma cruzi: RNA structure and post-transcriptional control of tubulin gene expression. Experimental ParasitologyExperimental Parasitology. 102
Bartholomeu DC, Silva RA, Galvão LMC, el-Sayed NMA, Donelson JE, Teixeira SMR.  2002.  Trypanosoma cruzi: RNA structure and post-transcriptional control of tubulin gene expression.. Exp Parasitol. 102(3-4):123-33.
Bringaud F, Bartholomeu DC, Blandin G, Delcher A, Baltz T, el-Sayed NMA, Ghedin E.  2006.  The Trypanosoma cruzi L1Tc and NARTc non-LTR retrotransposons show relative site specificity for insertion.. Mol Biol Evol. 23(2):411-20.
Bringaud F., Bartholomeu D.C, Blandin G., Delcher A., Baltz T., El‐Sayed NM, Ghedin E..  2006.  The Trypanosoma cruzi L1Tc and NARTc non-LTR retrotransposons show relative site specificity for insertion. Molecular biology and evolutionMolecular biology and evolution. 23
Dingermann T, Sharp S, Appel B, DeFranco D, Mount S, Heiermann R, Pongs O, Söll D.  1981.  Transcription of cloned tRNA and 5S RNA genes in a Drosophila cell free extract.. Nucleic Acids Res. 9(16):3907-18.
Dingermann T, Sharp S, Appel B, DeFranco D, Mount S, Heiermann R, Pongs O, Söll D.  1981.  Transcription of cloned tRNA and 5S RNA genes in a Drosophila cell free extract.. Nucleic Acids Res. 9(16):3907-18.
Tootle TL, Silver SJ, Davies EL, Newman V, Latek RR, Mills IA, Selengut J., Parlikar BEW, Rebay I.  2003.  The transcription factor Eyes absent is a protein tyrosine phosphatase. NatureNature. 426
Regier J.C, Zwick A., Cummings MP, Kawahara A.Y, Cho S., Weller S., Roe A., Baixeras J., Brown J.W, Parr C. et al..  2009.  Toward reconstructing the evolution of advanced moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera: Ditrysia): an initial molecular study. BMC Evol BiolBMC Evol Biol. 9
Selengut J., Haft DH, Davidsen T, Ganapathy A, Gwinn-Giglio M, Nelson WC, R. Richter A, White O.  2007.  TIGRFAMs and Genome Properties: tools for the assignment of molecular function and biological process in prokaryotic genomes. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 35
Ward NL, Challacombe JF, Janssen PH, Henrissat B, Coutinho PM, Wu M, Xie G, Haft DH, Sait M, Badger J et al..  2009.  Three genomes from the phylum Acidobacteria provide insight into the lifestyles of these microorganisms in soils. Applied and environmental microbiologyApplied and environmental microbiology. 75
Ward NL, Challacombe JF, Janssen PH, Henrissat B, Coutinho PM, Wu M, Xie G, Haft DH, Sait M, Badger J et al..  2009.  Three genomes from the phylum Acidobacteria provide insight into the lifestyles of these microorganisms in soils.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 75(7):2046-56.
Ward NL, Challacombe JF, Janssen PH, Henrissat B, Coutinho PM, Wu M, Xie G, Haft DH, Sait M, Badger J et al..  2009.  Three genomes from the phylum Acidobacteria provide insight into the lifestyles of these microorganisms in soils. Applied and environmental microbiologyApplied and environmental microbiology. 75
