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Filters: Slipped-strand-mispairing-plastid-gene-%C4%B1t-rpoc2-grasses-poaceae is   [Clear All Filters]
Voytas D.F, Cummings MP, Koniczny A., Ausubel F.M, Rodermel S.R.  1992.  copia-like retrotransposons are ubiquitous among plants. Proc Natl Acad Sci USAProc Natl Acad Sci USA. 89
Cummings MP.  1992.  Copia-like retrotransposons in plants: a brief introduction. The Plant Genetics NewsletterThe Plant Genetics Newsletter. 8
Chandrasekharan N., Hannenhalli S.  1992.  Efficient algorithms for computing matching and chromatic polynomials on series-parallel graphs. Fourth International Conference on Computing and Information, 1992. Proceedings. ICCI '92.
Cummings MP.  1992.  Patterns and processes of sequence evolution: plant organelle genomes and copia-like retrotransposons.
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Hannenhalli S, Perumalla K., Chandrasekharan N., Sridhar R..  1993.  A distributed algorithm for ear decomposition. Fifth International Conference on Computing and Information, 1993. Proceedings ICCI '93.
Mount S, Henikoff S.  1993.  Gene organization: nested genes take flight.. Curr Biol. 3(6):372-4.
Guo M, Lo PC, Mount SM.  1993.  Species-specific signals for the splicing of a short Drosophila intron in vitro.. Mol Cell Biol. 13(2):1104-18.
Bennett J., Dretler S.P, Selengut J., Orme-Johnson W.H.  1994.  Identification of the calcium-binding protein calgranulin in the matrix of struvite stones. Journal of endourology / Endourological SocietyJournal of endourology / Endourological Society. 8
Kurkulos M, Weinberg JM, Roy D, Mount SM.  1994.  P element-mediated in vivo deletion analysis of white-apricot: deletions between direct repeats are strongly favored.. Genetics. 136(3):1001-11.
Borah M., Bajwa R.S, Hannenhalli S, Irwin M.J.  1994.  A SIMD solution to the sequence comparison problem on the MGAP. International Conference on Application Specific Array Processors, 1994. Proceedings.
Cummings MP, King L.M, Kellogg E.A.  1994.  Slipped-strand mispairing in a plastid gene: ıt rpoC2 in grasses (Poaceae). Mol Biol EvolMol Biol Evol. 11
Lo PC, Roy D, Mount SM.  1994.  Suppressor U1 snRNAs in Drosophila.. Genetics. 138(2):365-78.
Cummings MP.  1994.  Transmission patterns of eukaryotic transposable elements - arguments for and against horizontal transfer. Trends Ecol EvolTrends Ecol Evol. 9
El‐Sayed NM, Alarcon CM, Beck JC, Sheffield VC, Donelson JE.  1995.  cDNA expressed sequence tags of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense provide new insights into the biology of the parasite. Molecular and Biochemical ParasitologyMolecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 73
El‐Sayed NM, Patton C.L, Harkins P.C, Fox R.O, Anderson K..  1995.  Crystallization and preliminary X-ray investigation of the recombinant Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense calmodulin. Proteins: Structure, Function, and BioinformaticsProteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 21
Peng X, Mount SM.  1995.  Genetic enhancement of RNA-processing defects by a dominant mutation in B52, the Drosophila gene for an SR protein splicing factor.. Mol Cell Biol. 15(11):6273-82.
Hannenhalli S, Chappey C, Koonin EV, Pevzner PA.  1995.  Genome Sequence Comparison and Scenarios for Gene Rearrangements: A Test Case. GenomicsGenomics. 30
Hannenhalli S, Chappey C., Koonin E.V, Pevzner P.A,.  1995.  Genome sequence comparison and scenarios for gene rearrangements: A test case. GenomicsGenomics. 30
Guo M, Mount SM.  1995.  Localization of sequences required for size-specific splicing of a small Drosophila intron in vitro.. J Mol Biol. 253(3):426-37.
Ruppin E., Reggia JA, Horn D..  1995.  A neural model of delusions and hallucinations in schizophrenia. Advances in Neural Information Processing SystemsAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems.
Ruppin E., Reggia JA.  1995.  A neural model of memory impairment in diffuse cerebral atrophy. The British Journal of PsychiatryThe British Journal of Psychiatry. 166
Ruppin E., Reggia JA.  1995.  Patterns of functional damage in neural network models of associative memory. Neural computationNeural computation. 7
