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Heidelberg JF, Seshadri R, Haveman SA, Hemme CL, Paulsen IT, Kolonay JF, Eisen JA, Ward N, Methe B, Brinkac LM et al..  2004.  The genome sequence of the anaerobic, sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 22
Pop M., Kosack DS, Salzberg SL.  2004.  Hierarchical Scaffolding With Bambus. Genome ResearchGenome Research. 14
Colwell RR.  2004.  Infectious disease and environment: cholera as a paradigm for waterborne disease. International MicrobiologyInternational Microbiology. 7
Bringaud F, Biteau N, Zuiderwijk E, Berriman M, El-Sayed NM, Ghedin E, Melville SE, Hall N, Baltz T.  2004.  The ingi and RIME non-LTR retrotransposons are not randomly distributed in the genome of Trypanosoma brucei.. Mol Biol Evol. 21(3):520-8.
Bringaud F., Biteau N., Zuiderwijk E., Berriman M., El‐Sayed NM, Ghedin E., Melville S.E, Hall N., Baltz T..  2004.  The ingi and RIME non-LTR retrotransposons are not randomly distributed in the genome of Trypanosoma brucei. Molecular biology and evolutionMolecular biology and evolution. 21
Khan Z, Balch T, Dellaert F.  2004.  Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceComputer Vision - ECCV 2004An MCMC-Based Particle Filter for Tracking Multiple Interacting Targets. 3024:279-290.
Bafna V, Gusfield D, Hannenhalli S, Yooseph S.  2004.  A Note on Efficient Computation of Haplotypes via Perfect Phylogeny. Journal of Computational BiologyJournal of Computational Biology. 11
Gil AI, Louis VR, Rivera ING, Lipp E, Huq A, Lanata CF, Taylor DN, Russek‐Cohen E, Choopun N, R. Sack B et al..  2004.  Occurrence and distribution of Vibrio cholerae in the coastal environment of Peru. Environmental MicrobiologyEnvironmental Microbiology. 6
Islam M.S, Tasmin R, Khan SI s l a m, Bakht HBM, Mahmood ZH a y a t, Rahman M.Z i a u r, Bhuiyan NA m i n, Nishibuchi M, Nair G.B a l a k, e y Sack R.B r a d l et al..  2004.  Pandemic strains of O3:K6 Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the aquatic environment of Bangladesh. Canadian Journal of MicrobiologyCanadian Journal of Microbiology. 50
Cummings MP.  2004.  PHYLIP (Phylogeny Inference Package).
Espeland EM, Lipp EK, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2004.  Polylysogeny and prophage induction by secondary infection in Vibrio cholerae. Environmental MicrobiologyEnvironmental Microbiology. 6
Khan Z., Balch T., Dellaert F..  2004.  A Rao-Blackwellized particle filter for eigentracking. Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2004. CVPR 2004.Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2004. CVPR 2004..
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LoVerde PT, Hirai H, Merrick JM, Lee NH, El‐Sayed NM.  2004.  Schistosoma mansoni genome project: an update. Parasitology InternationalParasitology International. 53
Neel M.C, Cummings MP.  2004.  Section-level relationships of North American ıt Agalinis (Orobanchaceae) based on DNA sequence analysis of three chloroplast gene regions. BMC Evol BiolBMC Evol Biol. 4
Chazelle B., Kingsford C, Singh M..  2004.  A semidefinite programming approach to side chain positioning with new rounding strategies. INFORMS Journal on ComputingINFORMS Journal on Computing. 16
Bartholomeu D, El-Sayed NM.  2004.  Sequencing strategies for parasite genomes.. Methods Mol Biol. 270:1-16.
Bartholomeu D., El‐Sayed NM, Melville S.E.  2004.  Sequencing Strategies for Parasite Genomes. METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY-CLIFTON THEN TOTOWA-METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY-CLIFTON THEN TOTOWA-. 270
Pop M..  2004.  Shotgun Sequence Assembly. Advances in ComputersAdvances in Computers. Volume 60
Cummings MP, Myers D.S.  2004.  Simple statistical models predict C-to-U edited sites in plant mitochondrial RNA. BMC BioinformaticsBMC Bioinformatics. 5
Nierman WC, DeShazer D, H. Kim S, Tettelin H, Nelson KE, Feldblyum T, Ulrich RL, Ronning CM, Brinkac LM, Daugherty SC et al..  2004.  Structural flexibility in the Burkholderia mallei genome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101
Colwell RR.  2004.  A Tangled Bank: Reflections on the Tree of Life and Human Health. Assembling the Tree of LifeAssembling the Tree of Life.
Pop M., Kosack D..  2004.  Using the TIGR assembler in shotgun sequencing projects. METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY-CLIFTON THEN TOTOWA-METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY-CLIFTON THEN TOTOWA-. 255
Islam M.S, Talukder K.A, Khan N.H, Mahmud Z.H, Rahman M.Z, Nair G.B, Siddique A.KM, Yunus M., Sack D.A, Sack R.B et al..  2004.  Variation of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 in the aquatic environment of Bangladesh and its correlation with the clinical strains. Microbiology and immunologyMicrobiology and Immunology. 48
Binsztein N, Costagliola MC, Pichel M, Jurquiza V, Ramírez FC, Akselman R, Vacchino M, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2004.  Viable but Nonculturable Vibrio Cholerae O1 in the Aquatic Environment of Argentina. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 70
