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2014. Maximal Sum of Metabolic Exchange Fluxes Outperforms Biomass Yield as a Predictor of Growth Rate of Microorganisms. PLoS ONE. 9(5):e98372.
2008. Maternal depletion of CTCF reveals multiple functions during oocyte and preimplantation embryo development. DevelopmentDevelopment. 135
1989. Management of an enlarging aortic aneurysm in the presence of radiation induced retroperitoneal fibrosis.. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 30(2):233-5.
1997. Local rules for protein folding on a triangular lattice and generalized hydrophobicity in the HP model. Journal of Computational BiologyJournal of Computational Biology. 4
2004. Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceComputer Vision - ECCV 2004An MCMC-Based Particle Filter for Tracking Multiple Interacting Targets. 3024:279-290.
2007. Knowledge discovery using the sand spatial browser. Proceedings of the 8th annual international conference on Digital government research: bridging disciplines & domains.
2007. Knowledge discovery using the sand spatial browser. Proceedings of the 8th annual international conference on Digital government research: bridging disciplines & domains.
2009. InterPro: the integrative protein signature database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 37(Database issue):D211-5.
2009. InterPro: the integrative protein signature database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 37(Database issue):D211-5.
2009. InterPro: the integrative protein signature database. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 37
2009. InterPro: the integrative protein signature database. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 37
2012. InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 40(Database issue):D306-12.
2012. InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 40(Database issue):D306-12.
2012. InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 40(Database issue):D306-12.
2012. InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 40(Database issue):D306-12.
2012. InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 40
2012. InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 40
2012. InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 40
2012. InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 40
2011. Interaction of Vibrio cholerae non-O1/non-O139 with Copepods, Cladocerans and Competing Bacteria in the Large Alkaline Lake Neusiedler See, Austria. Microbial ecologyMicrobial ecology. 61