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2013. Primate transcript and protein expression levels evolve under compensatory selection pressures.. Science. 342(6162):1100-4.
2012. Quantitative measurement of allele-specific protein expression in a diploid yeast hybrid by LC-MS.. Mol Syst Biol. 8:602.
2005. Whole-genome sequence analysis of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A reveals divergence among pathovars in genes involved in virulence and transposition. Journal of bacteriologyJournal of bacteriology. 187
2004. Whole genome comparisons of serotype 4b and 1/2a strains of the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes reveal new insights into the core genome components of this species. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 32
2002. The draft genome of Ciona intestinalis: insights into chordate and vertebrate origins.. Science. 298(5601):2157-67.
1995. Localization of sequences required for size-specific splicing of a small Drosophila intron in vitro.. J Mol Biol. 253(3):426-37.
1993. Species-specific signals for the splicing of a short Drosophila intron in vitro.. Mol Cell Biol. 13(2):1104-18.