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2012. Genomic insights to SAR86, an abundant and uncultivated marine bacterial lineage.. ISME J. 6(6):1186-99.
2015. Glutamine synthetase activity fuels nucleotide biosynthesis and supports growth of glutamine-restricted glioblastoma. Nature Cell Biology. 17(12):1556-1568.
2005. A guild of 45 CRISPR-associated (Cas) protein families and multiple CRISPR/Cas subtypes exist in prokaryotic genomes. PLoS computational biologyPLOS Computational Biology. 1
2013. Hawkeye and AMOS: visualizing and assessing the quality of genome assemblies. Briefings in bioinformaticsBriefings in bioinformatics. 14
2016. Identification guide to the heterobranch sea slugs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Bocas del Toro, Panama. Marine Biodiversity Records. 96737453830254034557880541418411912544728739317415779780725696418782226404216145163412560451520488424050829677(12343–4)
2012. Identification of Coli Surface Antigen 23, a Novel Adhesin of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Infection and immunityInfection and immunity. 80
2015. Independent Emergence of Artemisinin Resistance Mutations Among Plasmodium falciparum in Southeast Asia. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 211:670-679.
2015. Independent Emergence of Artemisinin Resistance Mutations Among Plasmodium falciparum in Southeast Asia. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 211:670-679.
2015. Independent Emergence of Artemisinin Resistance Mutations Among Plasmodium falciparum in Southeast Asia. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 211:670-679.
2015. Independent Emergence of Artemisinin Resistance Mutations Among Plasmodium falciparum in Southeast Asia. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 211:670-679.
2015. Independent Emergence of Artemisinin Resistance Mutations Among Plasmodium falciparum in Southeast Asia. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 211:670-679.
2015. Independent Emergence of Artemisinin Resistance Mutations Among Plasmodium falciparum in Southeast Asia. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 211:670-679.
2012. InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 40(Database issue):D306-12.
2012. InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 40
2009. InterPro: the integrative protein signature database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 37(Database issue):D211-5.
2009. InterPro: the integrative protein signature database. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 37
2016. Longitudinal analysis of the lung microbiota of cynomolgous macaques during long-term SHIV infection. Microbiome. 4320384718719152130282021211818418719223326578105723(158836212108125732558101131110121arXiv:1006.3316)
2015. Microbiota that affect risk for shigellosis in children in low-income countries. Emerg Infect DisEmerg Infect Dis. 21:242-50.
2015. Microbiota that affect risk for shigellosis in children in low-income countries. Emerg Infect DisEmerg Infect Dis. 21:242-50.
2008. The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature biotechnologyNature biotechnology. 26
2012. A molecular phylogeny for the pyraloid moths (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea) and its implications for higher-level classification. Systematic Entomology. 37(4):635-656.
2012. Myocardin-like Protein (MKL)-2 Regulates TGF-beta Signaling. Embryonic Stem Cells and the Developing Vasculature DevelopmentEmbryonic Stem Cells and the Developing Vasculature Development.
2012. Occurrence of protozoans & their limnological relationships in some ponds of Mathbaria, Bangladesh. University Journal of Zoology, Rajshahi UniversityUniversity Journal of Zoology, Rajshahi University. 29