Hector Corrada Bravo and collaborators released healthvis this week. healthvis.org

Mar 28, 2013

Hector Corrada Bravo and collaborators released healthvis this week. The latest version of the Bioconductor project, the premier open-source software system for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology tools, was released in April. This version includes three new packages developed at CBCB. metagenomeSeq contains tools for finding associations between microbial communities and clinical outcomes in large metagenomic surveys and was developed as a collaboration of the Pop and Corrada Bravo labs at CBCB. The other two packages are 'antiProfiles' for creating accurate and robust gene expression signatures in cancer and 'bumphunter' for the discovery of spatial genomic features from high-throughput data. The latter two were developed by the Corrada Bravo lab in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. View at:



