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Colwell RR.  2004.  Infectious disease and environment: cholera as a paradigm for waterborne disease. International MicrobiologyInternational Microbiology. 7
Jia Z, Hannenhalli S.  2012.  Inferring Evolution of Gene Duplicates Using Probabilistic Models and Nonparametric Belief Propagation. BMC GenomicsBMC Genomics.
Otto S.P, Cummings MP, Wakeley J..  1996.  Inferring phylogenies from DNA sequence data: The effects of sampling. New Uses for New PhylogeniesNew Uses for New Phylogenies.
Shan L, Yang H-C, S. Rabi A, Bravo HCorrada, Shroff NS, Irizarry RA, Zhang H, Margolick JB, Siliciano JD, Siliciano RF.  2011.  Influence of host gene transcription level and orientation on HIV-1 latency in a primary-cell model. Journal of virologyJournal of virology. 85
Shan L., Yang H.-C., Rabi S.A, Bravo H.C, Shroff N.S, Irizarry R.A, Zhang H., Margolick J.B, Siliciano J.D, Siliciano R.F.  2011.  Influence of Host Gene Transcription Level and Orientation on HIV-1 Latency in a Primary-Cell Model. Journal of Virology. 85(11):5384-5393.
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Bringaud F, Biteau N, Zuiderwijk E, Berriman M, El-Sayed NM, Ghedin E, Melville SE, Hall N, Baltz T.  2004.  The ingi and RIME non-LTR retrotransposons are not randomly distributed in the genome of Trypanosoma brucei.. Mol Biol Evol. 21(3):520-8.
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Wu H, Irizarry RA, Bravo HCorrada.  2010.  Intensity normalization improves color calling in SOLiD sequencing. Nat MethNat MethNat MethNat Meth. 7
Kirschner A.KT, Schauer S., Steinberger B., Wilhartitz I., Grim C.J, Huq A., Colwell RR, Herzig A., Sommer R..  2011.  Interaction of Vibrio cholerae non-O1/non-O139 with Copepods, Cladocerans and Competing Bacteria in the Large Alkaline Lake Neusiedler See, Austria. Microbial ecologyMicrobial ecology. 61
Wang L.S, Jensen S., Hannenhalli S.  2006.  An interaction-dependent model for transcription factor binding. Systems Biology and Regulatory GenomicsSystems Biology and Regulatory Genomics.
Hunter S, Jones P, Mitchell A, Apweiler R, Attwood TK, Bateman A, Bernard T, Binns D, Bork P, Burge S et al..  2012.  InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 40
Hunter S, Jones P, Mitchell A, Apweiler R, Attwood TK, Bateman A, Bernard T, Binns D, Bork P, Burge S et al..  2012.  InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 40(Database issue):D306-12.
Hunter S, Apweiler R, Attwood TK, Bairoch A, Bateman A, Binns D, Bork P, Das U, Daugherty L, Duquenne L et al..  2009.  InterPro: the integrative protein signature database. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 37
Hunter S, Apweiler R, Attwood TK, Bairoch A, Bateman A, Binns D, Bork P, Das U, Daugherty L, Duquenne L et al..  2009.  InterPro: the integrative protein signature database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 37(Database issue):D211-5.
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Hannenhalli S.  2006.  Invited Talk: Deciphering Gene Regulatory Networks by in silico approaches. 6th International Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics (BIOKDD06)6th International Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics (BIOKDD06).
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