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Hunter S, Jones P, Mitchell A, Apweiler R, Attwood TK, Bateman A, Bernard T, Binns D, Bork P, Burge S et al..  2012.  InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 40
Hunter S, Jones P, Mitchell A, Apweiler R, Attwood TK, Bateman A, Bernard T, Binns D, Bork P, Burge S et al..  2012.  InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 40(Database issue):D306-12.
Hunter S, Apweiler R, Attwood TK, Bairoch A, Bateman A, Binns D, Bork P, Das U, Daugherty L, Duquenne L et al..  2009.  InterPro: the integrative protein signature database. Nucleic acids researchNucleic Acids Research. 37
Hunter S, Apweiler R, Attwood TK, Bairoch A, Bateman A, Binns D, Bork P, Das U, Daugherty L, Duquenne L et al..  2009.  InterPro: the integrative protein signature database.. Nucleic Acids Res. 37(Database issue):D211-5.
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Haft DH, Selengut JD, Richter RA, Harkins D, Basu MK, Beck E.  2013.  TIGRFAMs and Genome Properties in 2013.. Nucleic Acids Res. 41(Database issue):D387-95.
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