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2013. Derepression of Cancer/testis antigens in cancer is associated with distinct patterns of DNA hypomethylation. BMC CancerBMC CancerBMC Cancer. 13:144.
2012. Gene expression anti-profiles as a basis for accurate universal cancer signatures. BMC bioinformaticsBMC Bioinformatics. 13
2012. The partitioned LASSO-patternsearch algorithm with application to gene expression data. BMC bioinformaticsBMC Bioinformatics. 13
2012. Quantitative measurement of allele-specific protein expression in a diploid yeast hybrid by LC-MS.. Mol Syst Biol. 8:602.
2012. Transcript expression analysis of putative Trypanosoma brucei GPI-anchored surface proteins during development in the tsetse and mammalian hosts.. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 6(6):e1708.
2011. Direct targeting of Sec23a by miR-200s influences cancer cell secretome and promotes metastatic colonization.. Nat Med. 17(9):1101-8.
2011. Influence of host gene transcription level and orientation on HIV-1 latency in a primary-cell model. Journal of virologyJournal of virology. 85
2010. Genome-wide analysis reveals novel genes essential for heme homeostasis in Caenorhabditis elegans.. PLoS Genet. 6(7):e1001044.
2010. Sites Inferred by Metabolic Background Assertion Labeling (SIMBAL): adapting the Partial Phylogenetic Profiling algorithm to scan sequences for signatures that predict protein function. BMC bioinformaticsBMC Bioinformatics. 11
2010. Sites Inferred by Metabolic Background Assertion Labeling (SIMBAL): adapting the Partial Phylogenetic Profiling algorithm to scan sequences for signatures that predict protein function.. BMC Bioinformatics. 11:52.
2010. Unexpected abundance of coenzyme F(420)-dependent enzymes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other actinobacteria.. J Bacteriol. 192(21):5788-98.
2010. Unexpected abundance of coenzyme F(420)-dependent enzymes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other actinobacteria. Journal of bacteriologyJournal of bacteriology. 192
2009. Genomic organization and expression profile of the mucin-associated surface protein (masp) family of the human pathogen Trypanosoma cruzi.. Nucleic Acids Res. 37(10):3407-17.
2006. Analysis of fat body transcriptome from the adult tsetse fly, Glossina morsitans morsitans.. Insect Mol Biol. 15(4):411-24.
2005. Genome Properties: a system for the investigation of prokaryotic genetic content for microbiology, genome annotation and comparative genomics. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 21
2005. Transcriptional profiling of the hyperthermophilic methanarchaeon Methanococcus jannaschii in response to lethal heat and non-lethal cold shock.. Environ Microbiol. 7(6):789-97.
2002. Analysis of stage-specific gene expression in the bloodstream and the procyclic form of Trypanosoma brucei using a genomic DNA-microarray.. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 123(2):115-23.