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Treangen T, Ambur OHerman, Tonjum T, Rocha EPC.  2008.  The impact of the neisserial DNA uptake sequences on genome evolution and stability. Genome biology. 9:R60.
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Treangen T, Schoeler G, Phillippy AM, Bergman NH, Turell MJ.  2016.  Identification and genomic analysis of a novel group C orthobunyavirus isolated from a mosquito captured near Iquitos, Peru. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 10:e0004440.
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Read TD, Peterson SN, Tourasse N, Baillie LW, Paulsen IT, Nelson KE, Tettelin H, Fouts DE, Eisen JA, Gill SR et al..  2003.  The genome sequence of Bacillus anthracis Ames and comparison to closely related bacteria. NatureNature. 423
Read TD, Peterson SN, Tourasse N, Baillie LW, Paulsen IT, Nelson KE, Tettelin H, Fouts DE, Eisen JA, Gill SR et al..  2003.  The genome sequence of Bacillus anthracis Ames and comparison to closely related bacteria. NatureNature. 423
Read TD, Peterson SN, Tourasse N, Baillie LW, Paulsen IT, Nelson KE, Tettelin H, Fouts DE, Eisen JA, Gill SR et al..  2003.  The genome sequence of Bacillus anthracis Ames and comparison to closely related bacteria. NatureNature. 423
